@EtoDemerzel 2017-11-08T17:48:14.000000Z 字数 3658 阅读 2513

离散数学补充 群论(一)

离散数学 群论

part 1. Binary operations 二元运算

  1. Definition: A binary operation on a set is an everywhere defined function:
  2. Since a binary operation is a function, only one element of is assigned to each orderd pair. 每个序偶只对应 中的唯一一个元素。
    • use symbols such as "*" to denote binary operations.
    • is closed ( 封闭的) under the operation *, if and are elements in ,
    • Example 1: Let , define as . "*" is a binary operation on ;
    • Example 2: Let , define as . "*" is not a binary operation.( is not defined.)
  3. Properties of Binary Operations(并非说二元运算都具有如下性质,只是可能有的性质)
    • Commutative(交换律)
    • Associate(结合律)
    • Idempotent(幂等律)
  4. Identity(单位元):
    • An element in is called an identity element if
    • 单位元唯一 An identity element must be unique (if not, except , there exist another to be an identity element, so according to the definition, )
    • Inverse(逆元): An element in is called an inverse of and written as if       or
  5. Let * be a binary operation on a set , and suppose that "*" satisfies the following properties for any and in :
    • Define a relation on by
          if and only if .
      Then is a poset, and
    • proof 1:since , for all in , is reflexive.
          suppose and , , so ,
      thus is antisymmetric.
          If and , then , so , is transitve.
    • proof 2 : , so ; similarly, .
      is a lower bound for and .
          If and , then :
          Since likewise, ; then . Hence,

part 2. Semigroup and Group 半群和群

  1. Definition: Given a set and a binary operation * on G. For any elements in :
    • 1) Closure(封闭性):
    • 2) Associative(结合律)
    • 3) Identity(单位元): a unique element , such that
    • 4) Inverse(逆元): an element of , written as , such that or
    • 5) Commutative(交换律)

      Groupoid(广群)1) is true 满足封闭性
      Semigroup(半群)1)~2) are true 满足封闭性,结合律
      Monoid(幺半群,独异点)1)~3) are true 满足封闭性,结合律,存在单位元
      Group(群)1)~4) are true 满足封闭性,结合律,存在单位元,逆元
      Abelian groupoid/semigroup/monoid/group: 5) is true 满足交换律以及上述各自性质
  2. Theorem (Associativity): 对于(arbitrary elements of a semigroup 对半群中的任意n元组) 在运算过程中任意添加括号对结果没有影响。
  3. is an alphabet. is the set of all finite sequences of elements of . are elemnts of .
    • The catenation is a binary operation on (如 就是将 接在 后)。容易知道,
    • is a semigroup, called the free semigroup generated by .
  4. Abelian Group 阿贝尔群:
    • example: is the set of all nonzero real numbers, and , then is an Abelian group.
          Closure: ,hence .
          Associative: , hence .
          Identity: is the identity, because we have .
          Abelian: .
      So, is an abelian group.
  5. Theorem(Uniqueness of inverse) 逆元唯一: if both and are inverses of , then .
  6. Theorem(Left/Right cacellation) 左右相约: is a group and , then .
    • (by associativity) .
  7. Theorem(Inverse of inverse) 逆元的逆:
  8. Theorem(Solution to equation) 等式的解: is a group and , then both equation and have a unique solution in . 这表明在乘法表中,每一行每一列不可能出现相同的元素。否则就不满足解唯一。
  9. Finite Groups 有限群:
    • Definition: If is a group that has a finite number of elements, is called a finite group, and the order of is the number of elements in . ()
    • A finite group can be represented by the form of the multiplication table
      multiplication table1
      multiplication table2