字数 1662
阅读 914
student number:2013301020096
This passage is mainly discuss about the Oscillatory Motion. We have already learned the simple pendulum from senior high school.Now it's a perfect choice to discuss about the period of the simple pendulum.
This passage will discuss about two different method :Euler method and Euler-Cromer method.And we can purely see the strength of Euler-Cromer method.
The picture shows a simple pendulum.From the Newton's second law ,we can achieve the equation as follow
Here is the length of string, is the oscillation of angle , is the gravity.
So we can give the answer of the equation as follows:
The program is as follow: Here
When we consider the driven force ,we can get the different pictures:
Although this homework is very easy ,I begin to learn how to write programe with the class
,it's a huge step for me .