字数 1958
阅读 1281
student number:2013301020096
This passage is mainly discuss about the trajectory of a batted baseball. As we all know ,baseball is an extremely popular sport in some conutries(it's regretful that it's not so popular in China).
This passage is going to discuss about the trajectory of baseball. To a certain extent,baseball is likecannon. But baseball is in a high rotating velocity. So the trajectory of baseball should be pictured in a 3-D coordinate system.
Here we will discuss about the high velocity roatating baseball. From reference, the baseball is driven by Magnus force :
Because from now on , I can not use the Vpython sufficiently, it's regret to not use it to picture the trajectory of baseball vividly. And I haven't caculate the error yet. If time allows, I'll try my best to complete this passage.