@oliver1995 2016-11-07T08:58:09.000000Z 字数 3524 阅读 1215

Exercise_07 : Oscillatory and Motion and Chaos


Write a program to calculate and compare the behavior of two, nearly identical pendulums. Use it to calculate the divergence of two nearby trajectories in the chaotic regime, as in Figure 3.7, and make a qualitative estimate of the corresponding Lyapunov exponent from the slope of a plot of as a function of .

  • use Euler-Cromer method to solve the oscillatory motion
  • understand the chaos in the driven nonlinear pendulum.



Main body

We first consider a nonlinear, damped, driven pendulum, the physical pendulum.
I choose the parameters are the same as the book :
, , , and
The initial conditions are and .

  1. import pylab as pl
  2. import math
  3. class pendulum:
  4. def __init__(self, init_theta=0.2, init_omega=0,\
  5. length=9.8, g=9.8, time_step=0.04, q=0.5,fd=1.2, omega_d=2.0/3):
  6. self.w = [init_omega]
  7. self.theta = [init_theta]
  8. self.t = [0]
  9. self.dt = time_step
  10. self.g=g
  11. self.l=length
  12. self.q=q
  13. self.fd=fd
  14. self.omega_d=omega_d
  15. def run(self):
  16. while self.t[-1] < 60:
  17. self.w.append(self.w[-1] + (-self.g/ self.l * math.sin(self.theta[-1]) \
  18. -self.q * self.w[-1] + self.fd * math.sin(self.omega_d * self.t[-1])) *\
  19. self.dt)
  20. self.theta.append(self.theta[-1] + self.dt * self.w[-1])
  21. if self.theta[-1]> math.pi :
  22. self.theta[-1]=self.theta[-1] - 2*math.pi
  23. if self.theta[-1]< -math.pi :
  24. self.theta[-1]=self.theta[-1] + 2*math.pi
  25. self.t.append(self.t[-1] + self.dt)
  26. def show_results(self):
  27. pl.plot(self.t, self.theta)
  28. pl.xlabel('time(s)')
  29. pl.ylabel(r'$\theta(radians)')
  30. pl.show()
  31. a = pendulum()
  32. a.run()
  33. a.show_results()

when :
when :
when :

Then we consider the stability of the solution to our pendulum equation of motion. The only difference is that we start them with slightly different initial angles.

  1. import pylab as pl
  2. import math
  3. class pendulum:
  4. def __init__(self, init_theta1=0.2, init_omega=0,init_theta2=0.201,\
  5. length=9.8, g=9.8, time_step=0.04, q=0.5,fd=1.2, omega_d=2.0/3):
  6. self.w1 = [init_omega]
  7. self.theta1 = [init_theta1]
  8. self.w2 = [init_omega]
  9. self.theta2 = [init_theta2]
  10. self.t = [0]
  11. self.dt = time_step
  12. self.g=g
  13. self.l=length
  14. self.q=q
  15. self.fd=fd
  16. self.omega_d=omega_d
  17. self.delta=[0]
  18. def run(self):
  19. while self.t[-1] < 60:
  20. self.w1.append(self.w1[-1] + (-self.g/ self.l * math.sin(self.theta1[-1]) \
  21. -self.q * self.w1[-1] + self.fd * math.sin(self.omega_d * self.t[-1])) *\
  22. self.dt)
  23. self.theta1.append(self.theta1[-1] + self.dt * self.w1[-1])
  24. #theta1
  25. self.w2.append(self.w2[-1] + (-self.g/ self.l * math.sin(self.theta2[-1]) \
  26. -self.q * self.w2[-1] + self.fd * math.sin(self.omega_d * self.t[-1])) *\
  27. self.dt)
  28. self.theta2.append(self.theta2[-1] + self.dt * self.w2[-1])
  29. #theta2
  30. self.t.append(self.t[-1] + self.dt)
  31. self.delta.append ( abs(self.theta1[-1]-self.theta2[-1]))
  32. def show_results(self):
  33. font = {'family': 'serif',
  34. 'color': 'darkred',
  35. 'weight': 'normal',
  36. 'size': 16,}
  37. pl.semilogy(self.t,self.delta)
  38. pl.semilogy(self.t,self.e,'--')
  39. pl.title(r'$\Delta\theta$ versus time', fontdict = font)
  40. pl.xlabel('time(s)')
  41. pl.ylabel(r'$\Delta\theta$(radians)')
  42. pl.legend((['$F_D$=0.5']))
  43. pl.show()
  44. a = pendulum()
  45. a.run()
  46. a.show_results()




  • We can see that at low drive the motion is a simple osciallation (after the transients have decayed). On the other hand, at high drive the motion is unstable. So we conclude that at low drive the motion is stable and at high drive the motion is chaotic.

  • It turns out that .
    the parameter is known as Lyapunov exponent.
    In the former case , in the latter case .

  • Chaotic means a system can obey certain deterministic laws of physics, but still exhibit behavior that is unpredictable due to an extreme sensitivity to initial conditions.


Thanks to The Compulational Physics book.
