@feipai11 2016-06-11T17:14:52.000000Z 字数 2160 阅读 2150

The random walk model: the drunkard and diffusion


The summery:

There are many random process in nature. It's often known as a kind of many-body problem. We know that many-body problem can be simplified to a mean-field mathod or solved by statistic method. Actually, random process is can be determinate in microscopes, but we don't bother to solve all the motions of internal particles. Because we can understand the physics in the process in macroscopes, as well as it's easy to solve if we adopt the statistics mathod. Here, a one-dimensional random model was calculated, and we can get some useful conclusion.

The psudocode:

As a random model, how to generate a series of random number is very important. Fortunately, python-numpy can generate random number through the function 'np.random.random()'. This time I didn't use class to complete the work. It's just an operation on a 500x100 array, but his next position being linked with the last position. That's the only rule we should obey.

The result:

The conclusion:

This pragram modeled the motion of a drunkard, and gained the relation between the random walk model and the diffusion. And we find that electric current can be explained by the random walk model with different probability in different directions.
