@feipai11 2016-06-12T10:33:56.000000Z 字数 1407 阅读 1254

The Baseball model: Trace the ball


The summary:

Baseball model is just an upgraded version of cannon shell model, with Magnus Force be considered. We alomst can use the program in the cannon shell problem. That is the Magnus Force make the baseball more complicated but more interesting.

the psudocode:

We consider the condition that the ball move the the plane, and we have the differential equation:

According to the equation, we can write a program, and calculate all the properties of the baseball, including the trajectories.

The result:

The conclusion:

In this program, a lot of 2D or 3D trajectories a plotted. We should remenber that the program can not be exactly consistent with the real life. But we can see the physics under the model.
