@feipai11 2016-06-01T00:37:11.000000Z 字数 1096 阅读 1672

The Wave packet: Moving as a quantum particle


The introduction:

In classical physics, wave is wave and particle is particle. But in quantum mechanics, we are forced to admit that particle is also wave. But the free particle is certainly not monochromatic wave,because monochromatic waves cannot be normalized. Actually, a particle is refered as a wavepacket, with it's momentum being the average momentum of all the monochromatic waves who make up of the wavepacket. Now, we will analyse the propertis of a wavepacket.

The pseudo-code:

As a one-dimentional Wave Propagation,we differencing the equation and get the numerical equation:

where the is the papameter.

The result:

The conclusion:

With a differenced wave equation, we see the moving of a wavepacket including: runing independantly,reflect and transmit.
