@feipai11 2016-04-01T01:41:10.000000Z 字数 2123 阅读 1119

population : the more the better?



This is a problem we are familar, which we have learned in highschool biology. Actually this is a Markov process:the latter outcome is depend only on the former result. In this work, I not only found the outcome depending on the timestep, but also found that different parameters creat totally different result in this model.

The pseudocode:

I want to define a class to do with, but I failed because I don't really know about how to use the class fountion. Finally, I use the most simple way to write this code. that is inistialize, calculate, store and show. In the calculate function, I used the relation:

Actually this differential equation has an accurate solution. But as we woluld take advantage of the computer, we don't bother to solve it. Instead, I solved the linar equation when . So we can see how the timestep determines the pewcision of the numerical solution.

The code and result:

To show the timestep-dependance of the final result, I put some curve together in one figure. This time I didn't use the read_file script. On the contrary, I wrote allt the command in one script, including the discussion on whether the constant . And when the parameter , we the have the exponential solution. finally I plot three curve in on figure to illsutrate the error caused by the longer timestep. If , I use different timestep to get the same curve and prove that the solution is good enough and inpendent on the timestep. THIS is the final codes.

The analysis and conclusion
