@feipai11 2016-05-28T07:42:00.000000Z 字数 4691 阅读 1881

The chaotic pendulum: How to analyse chaos


The summery:

It's fantastic to work a chaotic system out and analyse it's propertities. Actually, our understanding of chaotic phenomenon is deepened by modeling the motion of a simple chaotic pendulum. In this progrem, I not only plot the angle changeing with time and the phrase diagram, but also analyse motion through changing with time to judge whether the syatem is chaotic and the Pioncare section diagram to analyse the strang attracter. Finally, a FFT was used to analyse the period property of the system going to chaos. I make efferts on how to draw a beautiful figure, as a result, I was satisfied with the figure I drawn.

The pseudocode:

This is also a periodic system, so I still use the Euler-Ceome method to calculate the integration. As usual, the main class function is simple(actually I use the main class in last homework), what we need to do is mainly to change the parameters and see what will happen. When there comes all the strange things about chaos, such as strange attractor and double period, we are surprised at the power of the nature as well as the power of conputer physics. The MOST important part is also the calculation section:

Also, to make the solution clearly understandable, we must extract useful information in the solution, and it would be better to draw a beautiful figure. That's what I do next.

The result:

The conclusion:

With the progrem, we analysed the properties of the chaotic pendulum including: (1) We can see the angle change visually through the diagram, and we see that the chaoic pendulum has no definite period. (2) We can see the Lyapunov exponent of the chaotic system is positive but the period syetem is negative through the change diagram. (3) We find that the periodic system approaches the fix point as time goes by but the chaotic system goes nowhere(or intermittently go to strange attractors) through the phrase diagram. We also find that the shape of stranges attractors depend on when we obtained the points. (4) We also analysed the period doubled through the spectral analysis. That's why the syatem finally goes to chaos!
