@feipai11 2016-06-12T09:51:32.000000Z 字数 1222 阅读 1443

The lorenz model: A simple chaotic problem


The summery:

Lorenz model is another model that can go to chaos, which is put forward to explain the change of the weather. As the last program, we just run the program, and we find that the system goes to chaos. This time, the phrase diagrams and the attractors are more complicated but beautiful.

the psudocode:

We get the solution of the diffential equation theough numerical way. The lorenz quation are as follows:

We solve this equation numerically, which is very easy, and show the result through a figure and a phase diagram, as well as an attractor figure. Here I use a more powerful way to solve ODE, that is a class defination with Euler method inside.

The result:

The conclusion:

In the program, The chaotic phenomenon of lorenz model have been analysed. We get a lot of information from the figure, phrase diagram and the attractors figure.
