@feipai11 2016-06-12T00:44:04.000000Z 字数 1738 阅读 1223

Earth Plus Jupter: A Simple Three_body Problem


The summary:

In physics, three-body problem is a simple example of chaos. Our erath is stable, so the Sun and the Jupter plus the Earth can not cause chaos. But what if we increase the mass of the Jupter? First, the motion of Earth would not stabe; and finally, the earth go to chaos and fly away. In the program, we make the mass of the Sun as infinite and always at the origin point. Finally, a really threebody model be writted, in which the Sun have a finite mass and can move with the influence of Erath and Jupter.

The psudocode:

The equations are just like the last program, but here we must apply it to 2 or 3 related body, so the psudocode may be a little complicated. But the principles are the same.

The result:

The conclusion:

We not only see the motion of psudo three-body model through the program two-planet, but also see the motion of real three-body model three the program threebody. There are many beautiful phenomenon in the model.
