@zhongjianxin 2019-10-11T11:40:40.000000Z 字数 1204 阅读 696

[Day1] - Git Branch Training Practice




常用Git 清单

1. 在github上创建一个repo(gittest).
2. 创建一个本地仓库,并将本地仓库推向远端repo. (

  1. git init
  2. touch readme.md
  3. git add .
  4. git commit -m "initiate the project"
  5. git add remote origin [url]]
  6. git push -u origin
  7. or
  8. git push --set-upstream origin master
  1. commit 1 in browser
  2. commit 2 in cli
  3. git pull
  4. git push
  5. commit 2 in browser
  6. git fetch
  7. git merge
  1. conflict handle
  2. commit 3 update text in browser
  3. commit 3 update the same text in cli
  4. git fetch
  5. git merge ------>conflict
  6. handle conflict
  7. git push
  1. 在远程repo(gittest)上创建一个branch(名字为branch1)

    再git clone一个repo
    git branch -b newbranchname
  2. 在本地拉取新创建的branch1

    git fetch
  3. 在命令行查看本地和远程的所有branch

    1. # 列出所有本地分支
    2. $ git branch
    3. # 列出所有远程分支
    4. $ git branch -r
    5. # 列出所有本地分支和远程分支
    6. $ git branch -a
    7. # 新建一个分支,但依然停留在当前分支
    8. $ git branch [branch-name]
    9. # 新建一个分支,并切换到该分支
    10. $ git checkout -b [branch]
  4. 在本地创建一个branch(branch2)
  5. 将branch2push到远端,并创建远端branch2
  6. 切换到branch1.
    git checkout another-branch
  7. 创建branch1.txt并push到远端repo
  8. 去github上提交pull request 将branch1的内容merge回master
  9. 切换到master, 用git log来查看master的日志。
    git log --pretty=oneline
  10. 在本地删除本地branch2和远端branch2
    git branch -D deleteBranchName



  1. git log --pretty=oneline
  1. git pull 相当于 git fetch + git merge
  2. 类似地,git pull --rebase 相当于 git fetch + git rebase
  3. fetch 只是获取 HEAD 指针,而不会更新代码
  4. https://blog.csdn.net/weixin_41975655/article/details/82887273
  1. git rebase
  2. https://www.jianshu.com/p/dc367c8dca8e