@zhicheng-zhang1995 2016-06-09T21:42:23.000000Z 字数 2881 阅读 2717

The Chaotic Pendulum and Its Characteristics




This passage mainly discuss the behavior of a chaotic pendulum.I research the dependence of angle on time,the dependence of angular velocity on angle.Besides,I draw the attractor of a chaotic pendulum and its sensitive dependence on its parameters.At last,I present the bifurcation diagram connecting to the period doubling phenomenon.


  • Introduction
    Chaos is a kind of charming phenomenon that has drawn our attention for quite long a time,for which many excellent mathematicians and physicists had worked.We know that the motion of a pendulum is unpredictable,however,it is also deterministic meanwhile.
  • Chaotic Pendulum
    A pendulum can behave regularly and chaoticly.Here are two gifs showing the regular pendulum and chaotic pendulum seperately.We can notice that the behavior of a chaotic pendulum is very strange and unpredictable.
    regular pendulum

Whereas,the exotic behavior of a chaotic pendulum above is dominated by an equaton:

I use Euler-Cromer method solving the second-order ordinary differential equation and use Vpython to realize a 3D visual.Following is my codes.

Source Codes

codes of chaotic pendulum


The GIF presents the difference between a regular pendulum and a chaotic pendulum vividly.Next we will research the various characteristics of a chaotic pendulum in detail.

1.The Dependence of Theta on Time

The dependence of Theta on time varies with the change of the driving force amplitudes.

  • FD=0
    the dependence of theta on time,FD=0

  • FD=0.5
    the dependence of omega on time,FD=0.5

  • FD=1.2
    the dependence of omega on time,FD=0.5

2.The Phase Space of A Chaotic Pendulum

The phase space of a regular pendulum and a chaotic pendulum show much difference.

  • FD=0.5
  • FD=1.2

3.The Attractor of A Pendulum And Its Dependence of Parameters

  • In a phase space of a chaotic space,we could find an attractor,which exhibits a fractal structure.

    FD=1.2 Fractal Structure

  • The pattern of an attractor changes sensitively with parameters.


4.Period Doubling

Period doubling is a route to chaos.When the period doubles,there will be chaos.



5.Bifurcation Diagram

  • Fractal structure is an important feature of chaos.In a pendulum system,the fractal structure is bifurcation.
    Theta-FD dependence


In this report,I realize the object to display the characteristics of a chaotic pendulum.And these characteristics agree with what they should be.I verify that :
1,The behavior of a chaotic pendulum is unpredictable,and sensitively dependent on its parameters,which differs from a stable system greatly.
2,An important feature of a chaotic system is fractal structure,which can be found in the transition to chaotic states.

References & Acknowledgements

[1] Nakanishi.Computational Physics.2008
[2]I refer to Shixing Wang's(王世兴) object-oriented programming methods and codes,which helps me a lot.
[3]Yangyao Chen(陈洋遥) helps me to present figures on zuoyebuluo,and I appreciate his helpful nature very much.
