Neural machine translation (NMT) needs large amount data to train
Human labeling is costly, which leads to lack of labeled data. However, unlabeded data is enormous
How to take advantage of these unlabeled data to train a NMT model
Translation is a bi-direction task. English-to-French and French-to-English are dual tasks
Dual tasks can form a loop and get feedback from each other
These feedback signals can be used to train the model, without a human labeler
1. State-of-the-art machine translation methods
Phrase-based statistical translation
Neural networks based translation
both heavily rely on aligned parallel training corpora
2. Neural Machine Translation
has problem of gradient vanish/exploding
if using LSTM, have problem when target sentence is longer then the source
for , it can use information before the time step
if is all parameters in this model, there should be:
3. About corpora
parallel data are usually limited in scale
alomse unlimit monolingual data in the Web, which are used in two ways:
training a language model
is not a real address of the shortage of training data
generating pseudo bilingual sentences, enlarging the training set
no guarantee on the quality
The main idea is clear: for any sentence in language A, first use translator to translate it to in language B. Then language model evaluate the quality of . Note that the evaluation is only linguistic instead of the meaning of the sentence. Then is translated back to language A, which is kind of "supervised" cause we already know the original sentence.
Here we will have two parts of reward:
- is the language model reward, rewarding the translation from A to B,
- is the communication reward, rewarding the back translation, r_1r_2$
Although it is intuitive to understand its idea, some of details in the algorithm may be unfamiliar to us:
beam search
we want to maximize
however, the target sentence comes out word by word
It is too costly to compute every combination of , and a strict greedy search will be likely to have a local maximum.
A beam search computes the joint likelihood of all combination in each time step, but only keep candidates with the largest likelihood for search afterward. This method is less computationally expensive and more unlikely to have a local maximum.
policy gradient
it is not possible to gradient a sentence, since it is a discrete variable
in Reinforcement Learning, people use policy gradient to solve these problems
construct a loss function , where is the status in time point t, is the action that is taken in t. r(a_t,s_t) is the final reward, for example, wining or losing a board game
it come from a simple intuition: if the result is good, the action is right, and vice versa
in this case, is , subsequent derivation will be obvious
I don't want to talk about this part, they just claimed that they are good