@llplmlyd 2020-12-25T05:57:33.000000Z 字数 1084 阅读 926

myloader binlog开启


myloader 默认会 启动 set session sql_log_bin=0,关闭导入数据产生的binlog
如果myloader 使用的账号 缺失super权限则该设置失效,即 导入数据会产生binlog
但是如果使用的账号 拥有 super 权限 那么 myloader 默认的配置就会生效,即导入数据默认不记录binlog
所以当使用高权限导入单个集群的主库 ,其他从库需要同步的情况下注意一定要把 -e 打开哦

  1. Usage:
  2. myloader [OPTION?] multi-threaded MySQL loader
  3. Help Options:
  4. -?, --help Show help options
  5. Application Options:
  6. -d, --directory Directory of the dump to import
  7. -q, --queries-per-transaction Number of queries per transaction, default 1000
  8. -o, --overwrite-tables Drop tables if they already exist
  9. -B, --database An alternative database to restore into
  10. -s, --source-db Database to restore
  11. -e, --enable-binlog Enable binary logging of the restore data
  12. -h, --host The host to connect to
  13. -u, --user Username with the necessary privileges
  14. -p, --password User password
  15. -a, --ask-password Prompt For User password
  16. -P, --port TCP/IP port to connect to
  17. -S, --socket UNIX domain socket file to use for connection
  18. -t, --threads Number of threads to use, default 4
  19. -C, --compress-protocol Use compression on the MySQL connection
  20. -V, --version Show the program version and exit
  21. -v, --verbose Verbosity of output, 0 = silent, 1 = errors, 2 = warnings, 3 = info, default 2
  22. --defaults-file Use a specific defaults file