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阅读 1938
inputs = [0 1 0 1; 0 0 1 1];
targets = [0 0 0 1];
% Solve an Input-Output Fitting problem with a Neural Network
% Script generated by Neural Fitting app
% Created 01-Aug-2016 15:03:58
% This script assumes these variables are defined:
% houseInputs - 输入数据.
% houseTargets - 目标数据.
x = houseInputs;
t = houseTargets;
% 选择一个训练函数
% 列出所有的训练函数,键入:help nntrain
% 'trainlm' 通常是最快的.
% 'trainbr' 花费时间更长但是可以适用更有复杂的问题.
% 'trainscg' 使用较少的内存.适合配置较低的机器.
trainFcn = 'trainlm'; % Levenberg-Marquardt 反向传播.
% 创建一个拟合网络
hiddenLayerSize = 10; % 隐藏层为10
net = fitnet(hiddenLayerSize,trainFcn);
% 分离数据为:训练,验证,测试
net.divideParam.trainRatio = 70/100; % 训练使用70%的数据
net.divideParam.valRatio = 15/100; % 验证使用15%的数据
net.divideParam.testRatio = 15/100; % 测试使用15%的数据
% 训练网络
[net,tr] = train(net,x,t);
% 测试网络
y = net(x);
e = gsubtract(t,y);
performance = perform(net,t,y)
% 浏览网络
% 画图
% 反注释掉以下代码开启画图功能.
%figure, plotperform(tr)
%figure, plottrainstate(tr)
%figure, ploterrhist(e)
%figure, plotregression(t,y)
%figure, plotfit(net,x,t)
% Solve an Input-Output Fitting problem with a Neural Network
% Script generated by Neural Fitting app
% Created 01-Aug-2016 15:04:12
% This script assumes these variables are defined:
% houseInputs - 输入数据.
% houseTargets - 目标数据.
x = houseInputs;
t = houseTargets;
% 选择一个训练函数
% 列出所有的训练函数,键入:help nntrain
% 'trainlm' 通常是最快的.
% 'trainbr' 花费时间更长但是可以适用更有复杂的问题.
% 'trainscg' 使用较少的内存.适合配置较低的机器.
trainFcn = 'trainlm'; % Levenberg-Marquardt 反向传播.
% 创建一个拟合网络
hiddenLayerSize = 10; % 隐藏层为10
net = fitnet(hiddenLayerSize,trainFcn);
% 创建适用性网络
hiddenLayerSize = 10;
net = fitnet(hiddenLayerSize,trainFcn);
% 选择输入与输出预处理处理函数.
% 列出所有的数据预处理函数,键入:help nnprocess
net.input.processFcns = {'removeconstantrows','mapminmax'};
net.output.processFcns = {'removeconstantrows','mapminmax'};
% 设置分离数据为:训练,验证,测试
% 列出所有数据分离函数,键入:help nndivide
net.divideFcn = 'dividerand'; % 分离数据随机
net.divideMode = 'sample'; % 分离每个样本
net.divideParam.trainRatio = 70/100;
net.divideParam.valRatio = 15/100;
net.divideParam.testRatio = 15/100;
% 选择一个性能评估函数
% 列出所有性能函数,键入:help nnperformance
net.performFcn = 'mse'; % Mean Squared Error
% 选择绘图函数
% 列出所有绘图函数,键入:help nnplot
net.plotFcns = {'plotperform','plottrainstate','ploterrhist', ...
'plotregression', 'plotfit'};
% 训练
[net,tr] = train(net,x,t);
% 测试网络
y = net(x);
e = gsubtract(t,y);
performance = perform(net,t,y)
% 重新计算 训练,验证和测试性能
trainTargets = t .* tr.trainMask{1};
valTargets = t .* tr.valMask{1};
testTargets = t .* tr.testMask{1};
trainPerformance = perform(net,trainTargets,y)
valPerformance = perform(net,valTargets,y)
testPerformance = perform(net,testTargets,y)
% 浏览网络
% 画图
% 反注释掉以下代码开启画图功能.
%figure, plotperform(tr)
%figure, plottrainstate(tr)
%figure, ploterrhist(e)
%figure, plotregression(t,y)
%figure, plotfit(net,x,t)
% 部署
% 改变 (false) 值到 (true) 来启用以下代码块.
% See the help for each generation function for more information.
if (false)
% Generate MATLAB function for neural network for application
% deployment in MATLAB scripts or with MATLAB Compiler and Builder
% tools, or simply to examine the calculations your trained neural
% network performs.
y = myNeuralNetworkFunction(x);
if (false)
% Generate a matrix-only MATLAB function for neural network code
% generation with MATLAB Coder tools.
y = myNeuralNetworkFunction(x);
if (false)
% 为仿真或者部署产生一个仿真模型图