字数 3745
阅读 1333
Name: Haoming Jiang
with the fact that ,
, is the density function of . So
Since , the derivative is positive if .
When . The risk is minimized when the derivative is 0. leads to . So
In the case . So . Which means
(I) are admissible
is Bayes.
and are Bayes.
Assume for some prior distribution, it is also Bayes. Assume that prior distribution is . Then,
And is the smallest, if and only if
For convenience, is denoted as
For a certain , if , , if ,
In order to minimize .
, when
, when
, when
This follows at once from our discussion in class that a procedure is Bayes relative to if and only if, for every ; it assigns a decision which minimizes (over )
or equivalently, to minimize
When , we have , which is minimized at
When , we have
, which is monotonically increasing and reaches 0 when . In orther words, is minimized when is the median of the posterior distribution.