@HaomingJiang 2016-07-19T18:59:49.000000Z 字数 7033 阅读 2051

Tweets Analysis 2

Tweets Textmining

Feature Extraction


Mean Accuarcy = 75.30%
Mean G-mean = 0.6739
Mean Accuarcy = 73.30%
Mean G-mean = 0.6739
It is the base line method.
Mean Accuarcy = 76.24%
Mean G-mean = 0.6836

The result verify the idea in the last week report ("Word occurrence may matter more than word frequency.")


Naive Bayes
It is the base line method.
Mean Accuarcy = 76.24%
Mean G-mean = 0.6836
Max-Entropy (without feature triming)
It's a popular classifier in text mining.
Mean Accuarcy = 75.14%
Mean G-mean = 0.6729

Performance Metric

Among them, AUC is a popular way to evaluate classifier. However, ROC is only designed for two classes. There is a generalized form of ROC is called ROC surface. Instead of AUC, VUS (Volumn under the ROC surface) is applied to evaluate the classifier.

  1. # in the case of 3 classes
  2. library(DiagTest3Grp)
  3. VUS(x, y, z)

MAUC, the average AUC of all pairs of classes, is another from of the extension of AUC.

  1. library(pROC)
  2. multiclass.roc(...)

Summary: For simplicity, I use G-Measure and Accuarcy to evaluate the overall performance of the classifier.

Tactics To Combat Imbalanced Training Data

imbalanced class labels:

negative neutral positive
9082 3069 2334

Here I compare different sampling method to tackle with the imbalanced data: oversampling, undersampling, SMOTE

They are all used with Naive Bayes classifier and Binary(Occurence) Vectorization.

may suffer from ovefitting problems

Confusion Matrix (for one run)

prediction negative neutral positive
negative 526 73 34
neutral 37 130 32
positive 23 26 119

Statistical metrics for ten runs:
Accuarcy =
G-mean =

Confusion Matrix (for one run)

prediction negative neutral positive
negative 485 38 13
neutral 95 136 35
positive 53 35 123

Statistical metrics for ten runs:
Accuarcy =
G-mean =

Confusion Matrix (for one run)

prediction negative neutral positive
negative 469 26 11
neutral 103 141 36
positive 61 32 121

Statistical metrics for ten runs:
Accuarcy =
G-mean =

As the rate increased, the classifer is able to discern the minority class better, while it do harms to the majority one. I can be observed from the confusion matrix. Meanwhile, in this problem, the higher oversample rate does not mean the improvement of overall performance. It can be teel from the comparision of the deviation and the difference of the mean of performance metric. (Maybe it just because the class is not that imbalance)

Confusion Matrix (for one run)

prediction negative neutral positive
negative 508 36 17
neutral 85 130 28
positive 40 33 123

Statistical metrics for ten runs:
Accuarcy =
G-mean =

Confusion Matrix (for one run)

prediction negative neutral positive
negative 487 31 13
neutral 96 133 30
positive 50 35 125

Statistical metrics for ten runs:
Accuarcy =
G-mean =

Confusion Matrix (for one run)

prediction negative neutral positive
negative 457 23 10
neutral 117 141 31
positive 59 35 127


Apparently, the rate of 0.4 seriously damage the accuarcy.

Generate Synthetic Samples: SMOTE or the Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique. (In R, the DMwR package provides an implementation of SMOTE)
Setting: Use iris data to test the algorithm

  1. data(iris)
  2. data <- iris[, c(1, 2, 5)]
  3. data <- data[c(1:20,51:75,101:150),]
  4. table(data$Species)
  5. # setosa versicolor virginica
  6. # 20 25 50
  7. newData <- SMOTE(Species ~ ., data, perc.over = 600,perc.under=100)
  8. table(newData$Species)
  9. # setosa versicolor virginica
  10. # 140 52 68
  11. cols=c('red','blue','green')
  12. plot(newData[, 1], newData[, 2], pch = 19 + as.integer(newData[,3]), main = "SMOTE'd Data",col=cols[as.integer(newData[,3])])

(The SMOTE in Muticlass Problem misbehaved: For the two minority classes, it only oversample the smaller one. Nevertheless, I still apply it to this text mining project. Because it is time costly, I only present one run result.)

prediction negative neutral positive
negative 523 44 39
neutral 89 137 51
positive 21 18 78

Accuarcy: 73.8%

Intuitive Method (Stratified Method)
Inorder to balance the training data of predictor. I train two predictors. The first predictor is for discerning the majority class (negative) and other classes (neutral & positive). The amount of records in each class is (negative) and (neutral & positive)
After that, the second predictor is for discerning the remain two classes(neutral:, positive:).
(PS: I do not there exist class decdecomposition method, I will investigate them later.)

Confusion Matrix (for one run)

prediction negative neutral positive
negative 525 47 15
neutral 72 119 30
positive 36 33 123

Statistical metrics for ten runs:
Accuarcy =
G-mean =


The Oversampling improve the classifier overall performance the most. Meanwhile undersampling do harms to the performance. SMOTE's behavior is strange, it may not be directly applied to muticlass case. Stratified Method's performance is similar to the baseline method.

From the view of confusion matrix, Oversampling and Undersampling tend to classify the record to the minority class, regardless which class it originally belongs to. Which also means it do harm to the majority class prediction. Compared to them, SMOTE do not do harm to the prediction of majority class. However, if we want to apply SMOTE, we must overcome the barriers of muticlass.

Basic Line

Occurrence & Naive Bayes
training set: 13485
test set: 1000
(they are selected reandomly. For each run of algorithm, the random seed is reset to a different value.)
Confusion Matrix (for one run)

prediction negative neutral positive
negative 518 40 22
neutral 77 126 27
positive 38 33 119

Statistical metrics for ten runs:
Accuarcy =
G-mean =

Problems & Discussion:

  1. I don't know how to use MAUC or VUS to evaluate the classifier, since in the implementation of R the input is different from the output of the Bayesian Classifier.
  2. How to extand SMOTE to muticlass case?
  3. Muticlass class is a challange in both evaluation and other tactics.
  4. I will try more advanced tactics in the next week, including aggregate method. Also I will review the feature extraction process, because I think that tactics are not as effective as I expect.





Gustavo E. A. P. A. Batista, Ronaldo C. Prati, and Maria Carolina Monard. 2004. A study of the behavior of several methods for balancing machine learning training data. SIGKDD Explor. Newsl. 6, 1 (June 2004), 20-29. DOI=http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/1007730.1007735

David J. Hand and Robert J. Till (2001). A Simple Generalisation of the Area Under the ROC Curve for Multiple Class Classification Problems. Machine Learning 45(2), p. 171--186. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:101092081983110.1023/A:1010920819831.

Chawla, N. V., Bowyer, K. W., Hall, L. O., and Kegelmeyer, W. P. (2002). Smote: Synthetic minority over-sampling technique. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 16:321-357.
