@HaomingJiang 2017-08-29T02:17:14.000000Z 字数 3929 阅读 1568

ISYE 6412 HW #1

Name: Haoming Jiang

Problem #1


: normal distribution with variace 1 ad mean


for ,
with the fact that



Yes is inadmissible, sine


, because







I would like to use . Since for any , the risk is the same and converge to 0, when n goes to infinity.


When , if and only if

With , , so the choice gives uniformly smallest risk function.


when , . As a result for any which is better than , . Which means . So . So is admissible.

Problem #2


: binomial distribution with parameter


blue line is
red line is
yellow line is


If there exits another procedure , s.t. .

As a result
So . Which means, . As a result . So is admissible.


When n = 2, If there exits another procedure , s.t. .

As a result .

When , . So .

So .
Let . Both and converge to at the speed of . So the inquality holds, if and only if also converges to 0 at the speed of . As a result, .

So . Both sides are devided by , and the extend defination to where with the continuity. So . So .

So is addmissable.
