@byjr-k 2016-01-06T17:01:24.000000Z 字数 10047 阅读 2249

EEE339 Part 1


Lecture 1

HDL (Hardware Description Language) is a computer language that is used to describe hardware.

Two main HDLs are used by industry:

Modules can be specified in two ways:

Structural Representation

and(y, x1, x2);
or(y, x1, x2, x3, x4);
not(y, x);

(y for output and x for input(s))

Behavioral Representation

  1. module example(x1, x2, x3, f);
  2. input x1, x2, x3;
  3. output f;
  4. assign f = (x1 & x2) | (~x2 & x3);
  5. endmodule
  1. module example(x1, x2, x3, f);
  2. input x1, x2, x3;
  3. output f;
  4. reg f;
  5. always @(x1, x2, x3)
  6. if (x2 == 1)
  7. f = x1;
  8. else
  9. f = x3;
  10. endmodule

Concurrent vs. Procedural Statements

Concurrent statements are considered in parallel and the ordering in the code does not matter. This includes gate instantiations and continuous assignment.

Procedural statements are evaluated in the order in which they appear in the code. This statements are required to be contained inside an always block.

Lecture 2

Lexical Conventions (词法约定)

Whitepsace Characters







Logic Values

Why x:

Why z:

For common logic gates:




Radix Letter
decimal d or D
hexadecimal h or H
octal o or O
binary b or B

如果啥也不写,比如wire x = 15, 指的是32位十进制数


Data Type Declarations

同种数据可以一次性声明多个,比如reg A, B, reg [3:0] X, Y

Lecture 3


Arithmetic Operators (算术运算符)

1 + 1
1 - 1
3 * 2
5 / 3
6 % 3


Bitwise Operators (按位运算符)

~m // not
m & n
m | n
m ^ n // Exclusive OR
m ~^ n
m ^~ n // Both are Exclusive NOR

Logical Operators (逻辑运算符)

m && n
m || n

Reduction Operators (缩减运算符)


从左往右(反之也可)逐位计算,结果为1 bit


value & ~& | ~| ^ ~^
4'b0011 0 1 1 0 0 1

Relational Operators (关系运算符)


对于==(Equality Operators),只有当每一位的1或者0都相同,才能返回1。如果有x,则返回x
对于===(Identity Operators),如果每一位对应的内容相同(包括z和x),则返回1

Shift Operators (移位运算符)

m >> n
m << n
m <<< n
m >>> n

Conditional Operator (条件运算符)

? :


Concatenation(串联) Operator & Replication(复制) Operator



A = 1'b1, B = 2'b00, C = 2'b10, D = 3'b110
Y = {B, C};
Y = {B[0], D[2], 2'b11};
Y = {B, D[2:0]};
Y = {4{A}, 2{B}, C};

Operator Precedence(运算符优先级)

Operator type Operator symbols Precedence
Complement ! ~ - Highest
    / + -
Shift << >>
Relational < <= > >=
Equality == !=
Reduction & ~& ^ ~^ | ~|
Logical && ||
Conditional ?: Lowest

Lecture 4

Module defination


Port Connections

Module Instantiations (模块实例化)

  1. module fulladd(Cin, x, y, s, Cout);
  2. input Cin, x, y;
  3. output s, Cout;
  4. assign {Cout, s} = x + y + Cin;
  5. endmodule
  6. module adder4(carryin, X, Y, S, carryout);
  7. input carryin;
  8. input [3:0] X, Y;
  9. output [3:0] S;
  10. output carryout;
  11. wire [3:1] C;
  12. // order
  13. fulladd stage0(carryin, X[0], Y[0], S[0], C[1]);
  14. // name
  15. fulladd stage3(.Cout(carrout), .s(S[3]), .y(X[3]), .x(X[3]), .Cin(C[3]));
  16. endmodule

Parameter Redefinition

  1. module bit_count(X, Count);
  2. parameter n = 4;
  3. parameter logn = 2;
  4. // ...
  5. endmodule
  6. module common(X, Y, C);
  7. input [7:0] X, Y;
  8. output [3:0] C;
  9. wire [7:0] T;
  10. // method 1
  11. bit_count cbits(T, C);
  12. defparam cbits.n = 8, cbits.logn = 3;
  13. // method 2
  14. bit_count #(8, 3) cbits(T, C);

Generate Construct


  1. // old method
  2. module adder4(carryin, X, Y, S, carryout);
  3. fulladd stage0(carryin, X[0], Y[0], S[0], C[1]);
  4. fulladd stage1(carryin, X[1], Y[1], S[1], C[2]);
  5. fulladd stage2(carryin, X[2], Y[2], S[2], C[3]);
  6. fulladd stage3(carryin, X[3], Y[3], S[3], carryout);
  7. endmodule
  8. // new method
  9. module adder4(carryin, X, Y, S, carryout);
  10. parameter n = 4;
  11. wire [n:0] C;
  12. genvar i;
  13. assign C[0] = carryin;
  14. assign carryout = C[n];
  15. generate
  16. for (i=0; i<=n-1; i=i+1)
  17. begin:addbit
  18. fulladd stage(C[i], X[i], Y[i], S[i], C[i+1]);
  19. end
  20. endgenerate
  21. endmodule


Lecture 5

Primitive Instantiations

借助大二所学知识,总能够将逻辑电路设计为借助基础逻辑门(AND, OR, NOT, XOR等)组成的电路

  1. module fulladd(Cin, x, y, s, Cout);
  2. input Cin, x, y;
  3. output s, Cout;
  4. assign {Cout, s} = x + y + Cin;
  5. endmodule
  1. module fulladd(Cin, x, y, s, Cout);
  2. input Cin, x, y;
  3. output s, Cout;
  4. wire z1, z2, z3, z4;
  5. and And1(z1, x, y);
  6. add And2(z2, x, Cin);
  7. add And3(z3, y, Cin);
  8. or Or1(Cout, z1, z2, z3);
  9. xor Xor1(z4, x, y);
  10. xor Xor2(s, z4, Cin);
  11. endmodule


  1. module fulladd(Cin, x, y, s, Cout);
  2. input Cin, x, y;
  3. output s, Cout;
  4. and(z1, x, y);
  5. add(z2, x, Cin);
  6. add(z3, y, Cin);
  7. or(Cout, z1, z2, z3);
  8. xor(z4, x, y);
  9. xor(s, z4, Cin);
  10. endmodule

gate_type [#(delay)] [instance_name] (input_port, ..., output_port, ...);
* gate_type 门电路的类型,所有可用的会在下面的表格中说明
* instance_name: optional
* #(delay): propagation delay in time units, optional

Gate Types


and(f, a, b, ...)
nand(f, a, b, ...)
or(f, a, b, ...)
nor(f, a, b, ...)
xor(f, a, b, ...)
xnor(f, a, b, ...)
not(f, a)


buf(f, a) // f = a
notif0(f, a, e) // f = !e? ~a : 'bz
notif1(f, a, e) // f =  e? ~a : 'bz
bufif0(f, a, e) // f = !e?  a : 'bz
bufif1(f, a, e) // f =  e?  a : 'bz

'bz1'bz的省略,1 bit的高阻态

Continuous Assignments


  1. net_type [size] net_name;
  2. assign net_name = expression;
  3. // Example
  4. input x1, x2;
  5. output f;
  6. assign f = x1 & x2;


  1. net_type [size] net_name = expression;
  2. // Example
  3. input x1, x2;
  4. output f = x1 & x2;

assign s = x ^ y, c = x & y;

wire s = x ^ y, c = x & y;

Procedural Statement

Procedural Statement必须出现在always或initial blocks中,或者在function或task中,而且只被内部的always或initial调用(后面这种东西压根没学过,也没见过)

D-type flip-flop

  1. module DFF(D, Clock, Q);
  2. input D, Clock;
  3. output Q;
  4. reg Q;
  5. always @(posedge Clock) begin
  6. Q = D;
  7. end
  8. endmodule

always@后面括号中的内容为sensitivity list,可以为某个或某些信号的高低变化,或者上升沿、下降沿
括号中出现的内容只能是同种的信号,比如(s1 or s2 or s3),再比如(posedge c1 or negedge c2)

Procedural Assignment Statements

  1. initial begin
  2. Q1 = 1;
  3. Q2 = 0;
  4. end
  5. // 以下代码在一个时钟周期后,Q1和Q2都等于0
  6. always@(posedge clk) begin
  7. Q1 = Q2;
  8. Q2 = Q1;
  9. end
  10. // 以下代码在一个时钟周期后,Q1和Q2的值互换
  11. always@(posedge clk) begin
  12. Q1 <= Q2;
  13. Q2 <= Q1;
  14. end

Lecture 6

if else

没啥说的,完全可以理解为C语言的if用法,只不过把花括号换成begin end

case casex casez

  1. case (s)
  2. 0: f = 0;
  3. 1: f = 2;
  4. 2: f = 5;
  5. default: f = z; // optional
  6. endcase

don't care指的是,只比较其他的1或者0
alternative中如果语句超过一行,则也要使用begin end

for while

跟C语言没两样,除了花括号和begin end的区别

repeat forever


repeat (expression) statement;
forever statement;


Lecture 7


  1. // 4-to-1 multiplexer
  2. module mux16to1(W, S16, f);
  3. // ...
  4. function mux4to1;
  5. input [3:0] W;
  6. input [1:0] S;
  7. mux4to1 = W[S];
  8. endfunction
  9. // ...
  10. endmodule



  1. // 4-to-1 multiplexer
  2. module mux16to1(W, S16, f);
  3. // ...
  4. task mux4to1;
  5. input [3:0] W;
  6. input [1:0] S;
  7. output Result;
  8. begin
  9. Result = W[S];
  10. end
  11. endtask
  12. // ...
  13. endmodule

后面讲了multiplexer, decoder, encoder, comparator,感觉没啥卵用,就不写了

Lecture 9

莫名其妙的,并没有Lecture 8


异或符合结合律(associative rule)

2's complement


 2 = 0010
-2 = 1110 (1101 + 1)
 2 = 0010 (0001 + 1)
  1. module fulladd(Cin, x, y, s, Cout);
  2. input Cin, x, y;
  3. output s, Cout;
  4. xor(s, x, y, Cin);
  5. and(z1, x, y);
  6. and(z2, x, Cin);
  7. and(z3, y, Cin);
  8. or(Cout, z1, z2, z3);
  9. endmodule
  1. module fulladd(Cin, x, y, s, Cout);
  2. input Cin, x, y;
  3. output s, Cout;
  4. assign s = x ^ y ^ Cin;
  5. assign Cout = (x & y) | (x & Cin) | (y & Cin);
  6. endmodule
  1. module adder4(carryin, X, Y, S, carryout);
  2. input carryin;
  3. input [3:0] X, Y;
  4. output [3:0] S;
  5. output carryout;
  6. wire [3:1] C;
  7. fulladd stage0(carryin, X[0], Y[0], S[0], C[1]);
  8. fulladd stage1(C[1], X[1], Y[1], S[1], C[2]);
  9. fulladd stage2(C[2], X[2], Y[2], S[2], C[3]);
  10. fulladd stage3(C[3], X[3], Y[3], S[3], carryout);
  11. endmodule
  1. module addern(carryin, X, Y, S, carryout);
  2. parameter n = 32;
  3. input carryin;
  4. input [n-1:0] X, Y;
  5. output reg [n-1:0] S;
  6. output reg carryout;
  7. reg [n:0] C;
  8. ingeter k;
  9. always@(X, Y, carryin) begin
  10. C[0] = carryin;
  11. // 此处相当于多次1-bit full-adder (continuous assignment)
  12. for (k=0; k<n; k=k+1) begin
  13. S[k]=X[k] ^ Y[k] ^ C[k];
  14. C[k+1] = (X[k] & Y[k]) | (X[k] & C[k]) | (Y[k] & C[k]);
  15. end
  16. carryout = C[n];
  17. end
  18. endmodule
  1. module addern(carryin, X, Y, S, carryout, overflow);
  2. parameter n = 32;
  3. input carryin;
  4. input [n-1:0] X, Y;
  5. output reg [n-1:0] S;
  6. output reg carryout, overflow;
  7. reg [n:0] C;
  8. ingeter k;
  9. always@(X, Y, carryin) begin
  10. {carryout, S} = X + Y + carryin;
  11. // 看不懂overflow是什么鬼
  12. overflow = carryout ^ X[n-1] ^ Y[n-1] ^ S[n-1];
  13. end
  14. endmodule


  1. module bcdadd(Cin, X, Y, S, Cout);
  2. input Cin;
  3. input [3:0] X, Y;
  4. output reg [3:0] S;
  5. output reg Cout;
  6. reg [4:0] Z;
  7. always@(X, Y, Cin) begin
  8. Z = X + Y + Cin;
  9. if (Z < 10)
  10. {Cout, S} = Z;
  11. else
  12. {Cout, S} = Z + 6;
  13. end
  14. endmodule
0001 0010 -> 12

Lecture 10



Lecture 11

Sequential circuits are called finite state machines (FSM)(有限状态机)

Moore type: 输出只与state有关
Mealy type: 输出与state以及input有关

Moore State Model

input w, output z

Clockcycle 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
w 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1
z 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0

Mealy State Model

input w, output z

Clockcycle 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
w 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 1
z 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0

对于状态机的state table,以及借助那个什么表格来求Y1、Y2以及z的表达式,会在以后进行专题讲解

Lecture 12 & 13

