@abnor 2016-12-15T12:05:39.000000Z 字数 2279 阅读 1439


infantry divisions.

orcs are magic. superman is vulnerable to magic

walks in quiet beauty like the night.

come for the breasts, stay for the brains

the physics department string quatet needs a new cellist.

had a little mishap and now the other guys are uncomfortable sitting next to him

we rehearse tuesdays at your place.

arent they adorable?

if penny didnt know that leslie had turned me down then it would be unambiguously mean

i admire your fingering,maybe sometime you can try that on my instrument.

if you up for, we can practice the middle section again.

just so we re clear, you understand that me hanging back to practice with you is a pretext for letting you know that im sexually available.

i mean the obvious crude double entendre,im seducing you.

so you are open to a sexual relationship

semiotics,the study of signs and symbols. its a branch of philosophy related to linguistics

either that or hes lost his tie rack and gotten really into bryan adams

you magnificent beast

theres usually planning courtship advance notice.

i was able to book a cruise to the arctic to see a solar eclipse.

the dates just happened to coincide.

and he w either with... or a 1930s gangster.

someones tampered with my equations.look at the beta function of quantum chromodynamics

but doest that solve the problem you been haven

are you insane? are you out of your mind?

that fixes

if you come up with an adjective, text me.


im not staring,im mulling.

you re wound awfully tight for a man whos just had sexual intercourse.

if she happy because i m happy?because anyone who cares for someone would want them to be happy envn if the reason for their happiness made the first person unhappy.

i dont have to believe in it for her to be lucky.

im not going to pass that up for some hypothetical future of happiness with a woman who may or may not want me to be happy or with a woman who is currently making me happy

320 degrees below zero

why you smashing a flash-frozen bana?

because i got a blow of cheerios and i couldnt find a knife.

dopamine in our brains is released across synapses, causing pleasure. you stick electrodes in a rat s brain, give him an orgasm button. he ll push that thing untill he starves to death.

you can stick an electrode in our hypothalamus.i dont know about your sex drive, but im probably good till new years

you smothering me.

dropping souplantation,you cant grow soup.forseeable future. who do i speak to permanently reserving this table?

a psychiatrist.

how are things going to with you and...

was that just a generic platitude or was that a subtle bid for attention?

surpasses the big boy. this is a single-decker hamburger whereas the big boy is a double-decker

hopeless penny delusion

you can grow the ingredients for soup.
