@abnor 2016-06-02T02:37:30.000000Z 字数 2018 阅读 1138


  1. 1992 Consensus
  2. nascent virtual reality
  3. imminent announcement
  4. immersive VR experience
  5. augmented reality
  6. Alliance
  7. Mobile World Congress
  8. new flagship smartphone
  9. business wings into VR
  10. find sound
  11. PLA's combat capability
  12. a cat being run over by lawn mower
  13. trepidation
  14. not a clue
  15. its fairly easy to deduce
  16. hold the phone to left ear
  17. are actually prone to corruption and other misconduct
  18. PLA's logistics authority
  19. imprisoned in a embezzlement and bribery case
  20. cash/crash
  21. wrap the text around a figure
  22. pivotal role
  23. Free 30-Day Trial
  24. turn one and start to walk
  25. gorgeous
  26. wet kises
  27. fit in
  28. leave comments
  29. some of them are so nasty dont bear thinking about
  30. reaching out in this way
  31. so connected so continuously so instantaneously so youngy
  32. social pressures go along with that are relentless
  33. seperation of online and outline
  34. whats a highlight in someones life versus whats normal int the context of everyday
  35. size zero models catwalk
  36. thinspiration thighgap
  37. are teamed with stereotyping and flagrant objectification
  38. at the expense of all the other aspects of their identities
  39. trivial activities
  40. you score a lower grade point
  41. physicial activities
  42. drug use
  43. take more risks with things
  44. crash dieting cosmetic surgery
  45. self-harm
  46. dont grow out of it
  47. unlock potential
  48. available to do this
  49. well-meaning programs
  50. inadvertently make the situation worse
  51. celebrity culture
  52. handle teasing and bullying
  53. step up
  54. post on our vedio
  55. compliment people on their works
  56. valuing their whole self
  57. airtime
  58. got it in mind
  59. obsession with image
  60. lets build self-esteem
  61. everything risky
  62. standard syllabus
  63. kick you out of nest
  64. it turns out they dont
  65.  scroll down
  66.  space bar
  67.  browers
  68.  switching layout to punctuation layout
  69.  hit the period then a space and then try to capitalize the next letter
  70.  redail
  71.  im not bitter
  72.  dragging across it
  73.  with the mouse like a newbie
  74.  type over it
  75.  no shultter lag
  76.  slide
  77.  paleobiologist
  78.  dig up
  79.  dig site
  80.  ten degrees latitudes away from magnitic north pole
  81.  fossil
  82.  sprinter of wood
  83.  tree rings
  84. tibia a leg bone
  85. hit a wall
  86. nick a edage of it
  87. collagen broken down
  88. giant arctic camel
  89. rabbit size camel
  90. go extinct
  91. servive the arctic position
  92. food is scarce
  93. hump
  94. i was trained as historian
  95. reframe yourself
  96. upended the way i think of the camel
  97. leaving remainder
  98. corruption
  99. globlaized economy
  100. falling government
  101. exploitation of woman and children
  102. failure of government
  103. ravages of corruption
  104. scale the image 1.5 of its real size
  105. 105.