@abnor 2016-11-23T13:51:25.000000Z 字数 3630 阅读 1166


i ve been thinking about time travel again.

why did you hit a roadblock with invisibility

put it on the back burner , anyway it occurs to me. if i ever did a perfect time machine. i will just go into the past and give it to myself, thus eliminationg the need for me to invent it in the first place, yes its really takes pressure off

thounds like a break through, should i call science magazine and tell them to hold the cover.

its time travel, i have already down that.
then i guess congratulations are in order

no congratulations will have been in order,you know i m not going to enjoy this party

i know ,im familiar with you

the last apartment party, professor finkle cornered me and talked about spelunking for 45 minuted

you know whats interesting about caves?nothing

then we ll avoid finkleday, we ll meet the new department head ,congratulate him, shake his hand and go

how s this , how fortunate for you that the university`s chosen to hire you despite the fact that you ve done no original research in 25 years and instead have written a series of popular books that reduce the great concepts of science to a series of anecdotes each one dumbed down to accommodated the duration of an average bowel movement

mahalo is a nice touch

you know there only eight consonants in the hawaiian language?

you should lead with that

look at this buffet

you cant find a bagel in mumbai to save you life

smear me

brought a date?

a more plausible explanation is his work in robotics make amazingly forward

here comes our nw

i cant believe he fired me.

you did call him a glorified high school science teacher whose last successful experiment was lighting his own farts.

in my defense, i prefaced that by saying"with all due respect

i finally have time to test my hypothesis about the separation of the water molecules from the egg proteins and its impact vis a vis taste

sounds yummy

i look forward to your work with bacon

as do i

i ve spend the past three and a half years staring a grease boards full of equations before that i spent four years on my thesis before that i was in college and before that i was in the fifth grad. this is my first dayoff in decades and im going to savor it

i ll let you get back to fixing your egg.

use new eggs.

i m running out to the market do you guys need anything?

this will be one of those circumstances that people unfamiliar with the law of large numbers would call a coincidence

for dozens should suffice.

yes, and evenly distributed amongst brown,white,free-range,large,extra large and jumbo

how come you didnt go into work today?

im taking a sabbatical because i wont kowtow to mediocre minds

so you got canned

theortical physicists do not get canned

maybe its all for the best,i always say when one door close and another one open

not unless the two doors are connected by relays or there are motion sensors involved

the first door close change the air preause that acts upon the second door

never mind

you are not leaving your self enough space between cars

let me do the math

this car weighs lets call 4000 pounds add 140 for me and 120 for you. did i insult you? if your body mass somehow tied into your self-worth? that gives us totally weight of4400 pounds .we are traveling forward good lord 51 miles an hour, lets assume that your brakes are new and caliper are aligned.still,by the time we come to a stop we ll be occupying the same space as that buick in front of me. an impossibility that nature will quickly resolve into death, mutilation.
o look they built a new putt-putt course.ordinary.

yes but anyone who knows anything about the dynamics of bacterial growth knows to pick up their refrigerated foods on the way out of the supermarket

then maybe you should start heading on out then.

they are shelved with vegetables but theyre technically a fruit.

theres some value to taking a multivitamin.but human body can only absorb so much. what you are buying here are the ingredients for very expensive urine. you want some manganese.

maybe tomorrow we can go to one of those big warehouse store.

its going to take me a while to recover from all the fun i had today.

there are a lot of advantages to buying in bulk. i noticed that you buy you tampons one month supply a time .its a product doesnt spoil and you re going to needing them for at least 30 years

you want me to buy 30 years worth of tampons?

when did your mother go into menopause

we are talking about statistically significant savings
