@Matrixzhu 2021-08-15T04:52:16.000000Z 字数 6146 阅读 588

Some study to the ML animal behaviour analysis

0.0 Introduction

In this file I would introduct several papers which apply maching learning methods to analysis the behaviour of human and animal. I would focus on what features are extracted and what models are applied to make pose classification or behaviour analysis. Some of my personal idea to the project is in the summary section.

1.0 Pose estimation and behavior classification of broiler chickens based on deep neural networks

1.1 Keywords:

1.2 Skeleton extract and processing

1.3 Feature seletion (input vector of the later classifer model)

In the view of papaer " When the chicken is healthy, it is standing, and the angle β between the skeleton branch and the horizontal plane is relatively large. When the chicken is dispirited, its skeleton may be in an approximately horizontal state, in which case the angle β is relatively small".

1.4 Classify model

2.0 Assessing machine learning classifiers for the detection of animals’ behavior using depth-based tracking

Patricia Pons a, Javier Jaena, Alejandro Catala b

2.1 keywords:

2.2 Feature selection and classifer

There are two kinds feature extract model are applied in this paper. Supervised learning model, and knowledge based model.

2.2.1 supervised model:

2.2.2 knowledge base model

3.0 Multiperson Activity Recognition Based on Bone Keypoints Detection

LIMengGhe,XU HongGji,SHILeiGxin,ZHAO WenGjieandLIJuan
This paper is not write in english

3.1 Keywords

3.2 skeleton extraction

3.3 Feature extraction

3.4 Classifer model

Svm model is applied here. It is pity that they do not use a time serial model like Lstm.
However the result of expriment indicate that svm is powerful enough.

split hug shake hands
training set 0.94 0.99
test set 0.92 0.97

4.0 Summary

According to our project's description the most important parts would lie on the feature extraction and classifer model selection.

For the feature extraction the above three papers show three different style of skills. All of three methods are kownledge-based which depends on the experiment animal subject and the experiment purpose. We can also try to build on our own knowledge-base model, this require further study or may be our veterinarian friends can provide some information. Besides, Zhuang et al., 2018 has very resemble topic to ours which try to detect the sickness of the broilers. Further more, we can choose not to extract feature from the skeleton graph but input it directly into the model like graph neural network. In this way we can skip knowledge-base model part.

For the classifer model we can do as the methods in the above papers to use some traditional machine learning model, e.g. svm, Naive baysian, ramdom forest. In our project dog may not have a single pose to present their painful, but present by a sequence of movement. Thus, time serial model like Lstm could be used as classifer.
