@Fangzheng1992 2018-11-23T02:45:38.000000Z 字数 714 阅读 554

Wormhole Wallet现推出安卓版本

为提升用户体验,迎合大家对钱包的使用习惯,Wormhole wallet现推出安卓版本,iOS版本我们也会在随后推出。此版本为Beta版本,主要用来为有兴趣开发相关技术的公司提供区块链社区中的参考模型,我们也会结合社区中开发者的各种新奇想法进行不定期的升级和维护,您在使用过程中遇到任何问题可随时与我们联系,欢迎大家下载体验。


Wormhole Wallet Released Android Version

In order to improve the user experience and meet people's habits of using wallet, Wormhole wallet released the Android APP and the iOS APP will be issued later. The APP is Beta which can provide reference model of blockchain community for those companies who are willing to develop related technologies. We will carry out irregular upgrades and maintenance in combination with novel ideas of developers from BCH community. Please contact us if you have any questions during use,Welcome to download.

Download link:https://wallet.wormhole.cash/
