@Fangzheng1992 2018-11-15T09:36:24.000000Z 字数 1206 阅读 496

Wormhole released the official version of 0.2.2

Main contents of v0.0.2 are as follows:
1.Add new RPC interface
2.The representation of the preperty ID and TokenID in the parameters and return values of the RPC interface was reformatted from hexadecimal to decimal.
3.Add check conditions to the RPC interface which create a transaction
Note:The v0.2.2 node was released by Wormhole which would be compatible with the Bitcoin-Abc v0.18.2. Wormhole node can also be used as a Bitcoin-Abc node to support all functions of Bitcoin-Abc node,as Bitcoin-ABC 0.18.2 consensus rule has been changed, all nodes must be forced to upgrade to the v0.2.2, the old nodes will not be able to provide accurate transactions and blocks information

Document link:https://github.com/copernet/spec/blob/master/wormhole-spec-0.2.2-en.md
source link:https://github.com/copernet/wormhole/releases/tag/v0.2.2

Wormhole发布正式版本 v0.2.2

1.增加 RPC接口
3.在创建交易的 RPC接口实现中添加检查条件
Note:Wormhole 0.2.2 节点兼容 Bitcoin-Abc 0.18.2版本,Wormhole节点也可以被用来作为Bitcoin-Abc 节点,支持Bitcoin-Abc 节点的所有功能。由于此次Bitcoin-ABC 0.18.2 共识规则的变化,由于Bitcoin-Abc 0.18.2共识规则的变化所有节点必须强制升级至本次发布的版本(v0.2.2),旧节点将无法提供准确的交易及区块信息。

