copernicus weekly report/哥白尼项目周报(First week of November/11月第二周)
哥白尼项目提供给大家一个Go语言版本的Bitcoin Cash客户端,并对原来的客户端软件结构做了重新梳理和设计,期望结构简洁,降低后面开发者进入时的学习成本,增加客户端多样性以此来保证整个Bitcoin Cash网络的安全。
The Copernicus project provides a Golang version of Bitcoin Cashclient, which reorganizes and redesigns the software structure for the originalclient in order to make the structure more concise, reduce the learningdifficulty for developers and increase diversity of clients to ensure safety of the entire BCH network.
What we did last week
- Transfered the functional tests of BitcoinABC to Corpenicus:
- bip68-112-113-p2p.py
- mempool_resurrect_test.py
- p2p-fullblocktest.py
- bip65-cltv-p2p.py
- p2p-timeouts.py
- Fixed bugs in chainwork comparsion before activateBestChain
- Fixed tx relay issue
- Fixed deadlock problem for mempool
- Fixed size limitation for mempool
- Fixed two deadlock problem of network processing
- Built mining environment for regession test, integrating tx generator (in Progress)
- Optimized code structure
- 迁移BitcoinABC功能测试至哥白尼:
- bip68-112-113-p2p.py
- mempool_resurrect_test.py
- p2p-fullblocktest.py
- bip65-cltv-p2p.py
- p2p-timeouts.py
- 修正激活最大工作量链的逻辑
- 修复交易传播相关问题
- 修复mempool死锁相关问题
- 修复mempool大小限制问题
- 修复两处网络处理死锁问题
- 在回归测试网搭建挖矿环境,并灌入交易进行测试
- 优化代码结构