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哥白尼项目组发布最新Golang版本Bitcoin Cash 客户端,该客户端版本为Pre-release v0.0.3,v0.0.3版本客户端已完成全部主网区块同步和验证,补充完成单元测试和集成测试,现已在Bitcoin Cash 主网挖矿测试。在此版本中我们对项目代码进行了结构上的改进以及性能上的优化,致力贡献给BCH社区一款结构简洁,性能高效的Golang版本的Bitcoin Cash客户端,以增加客户端多样性来保证整个Bitcoin Cash网络的安全。
The Copernicus project team released the latest Golang version of the Bitcoin Cash client, the version of this client is Pre-release v0.0.3,The client has completed all the main network block syncing and verifying, supplemented the unit test and integration test, and is now in the Bitcoin Cash main network mining test. In this version we have made structural improvements and performance optimizations, and committed to contributing to the BCH community a simple and efficient Golang version of the Bitcoin Cash client to increase client diversity to ensure the entire Bitcoin Cash network security