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Many commerical software and openfoam have supported the polyhedral grid for CFD.
We have already know S-FEM is able to use n-side polyhedral elements in solid mechanics.
However, the pre-processing and post-precessing are awful which were done by Matlab.
Thus, figure out the mesh file format of one commerical software, like Fluent, then use the file to extract the info we want.
Note that Fluent can only convert the Tet to polyhedons in 3D cases, no ability in 2D.
To figure out the format, I did following procedures:
1. I did a unit cube in the Mesh of Ansys workbench.
2. Open it in Fluent.
3. Click on Fluent-Mesh-Polyhedra-Convert Domain, convert Tet mesh to Polyhedra mesh.
4. Click on Fluent-File-Export-Case, without option write binary format.
5. Open .cas file in any text editor.
6. Goto URL: https://www.sharcnet.ca/Software/TGrid/pdf/ug/appb.pdf, to understand text blocks in .cas file
Look at .cas file, Fluent is no longer using cell to present the mesh when using polyhedral grids.
Only the faces of polyhedral grids are necessary.
However, in previous works about polyhedron in S-FEM, we still need the connectivities of one polyhedral element, i.e., cell.
We need to write codes to rebuild the connectivities of one polyhedral element.
After we got the result, we need also to rewrite the .dat file of Fluent. Then,we can use Ansys-CFD-Post to visualize them.