@BravoWA 2015-09-26T21:48:51.000000Z 字数 1548 阅读 1690

VMware Ubuntu compile/install parallel version of SU2-3.0.0

SU2 VMware Linux

Author: Chen Jiang (Netname: BravoWA)
All commands in this file are shell-commands.

1. Download VMware and iso of Ubuntu.

2. Install Ubuntu into the virtual PC created by VMware.

3. Open terminal, type in: sudo apt-get install python-numpy python-scipy. (Different in other Linux distributions)

4. Install MPICH2 into ubuntu, goto URL:http://www.mpich.org/static/downloads/1.4.1/, download the MPICH2 1.4.1 which is used in SU2-3.0.0:

  1. tar -xvf MPICH2.1.4.1.tar.gz
  2. cd *path of MPICH2.1.4.1*
  3. if no Fortran compiler installed in ubuntu, ./configre --prefix-"path" --disable-f77 --disable-fc.
  4. make.
  5. make install.
  6. export PATH=/[path of MPICH2]bin:$PATH

5. Install Metis5.1 into ubuntu, goto URL:glaros.dtc.umn.edu/gkhome/metis/download :

  1. tar -xvf metis_5.1.0.tar.gz
  2. cd /[path of metis_5.1.0]
  3. make config prefix=/[path to install metis] (if no CMAKE, install one using apt-get install cmake)
  4. make install

6. Download SU2-3.0.0, extract your defined path.

  1. cd /[path of SU2-3.0.0]
  2. ./configure CXXFLAG="-O3" --with-MPI=/[path of mpich2]/bin/mpicxx --with-Metis-lib=/[path of Metis]/lib --with-Metis-include=/[path of Metis]/include
  3. cd /[path of SU2-3.0.0]/Common/lib, (maybe need automake), then make
  4. cd /[path of SU2-3.0.0]/SU2_CFD/obj, then make
  5. cd /[path of SU2-3.0.0]/SU2_DDC/obj, then make
  6. cd /[path of SU2-3.0.0]/SU2_MDC/obj, then make
    NOTE: if you did ./configure before, please first use make clean for each module of SU2.

7. Run the parallel SU2-CFD

  1. copy executable SU2_CFD, SU2_MDC, SU2_DDC in /[path of SU2-3.0.0]/SU2_CFD(or others)/bin to a new folder /[new folder].
  2. First, shell command mpirun -n j SU2_DDC xxx.cfg (j=the cores your want to use)
  3. Then, shell command mpirun -n j SU2_CFD xxx.cfg
  4. Enjoy! :)