字数 2475
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PoolingByteArrayOutputStream其实就是一个输出流,只不过系统的输出流在使用byte[]时,如果大小不够,会自动扩大byte[]的大小。而PoolingByteArrayOutputStream则是使用了ByteArrayPool的字节数组缓冲池,从池中获取byte[] 使用完毕后再归还。在BasicNetwork中对响应进行解析的时候使用到了该输出流。
* 继承ByteArrayOutputStream,原始 ByteArrayOutputStream 中用于接受写入 bytes 的 buf,每次空间不足时便会 new 更大容量的 byte[],而 PoolingByteArrayOutputStream 使用了 ByteArrayPool 作为 Byte[] 缓存来减少这种操作,从而提高性能。
* A variation of {@link java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream} that uses a pool of byte[] buffers instead
* of always allocating them fresh, saving on heap churn.
public class PoolingByteArrayOutputStream extends ByteArrayOutputStream {
* 默认byte[]的大小
* If the {@link #PoolingByteArrayOutputStream(ByteArrayPool)} constructor is called, this is
* the default size to which the underlying byte array is initialized.
private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 256;
* byte[]的缓冲池
private final ByteArrayPool mPool;
* 带byte[]缓冲池的输出流,使用默认的byte[]长度
* Constructs a new PoolingByteArrayOutputStream with a default size. If more bytes are written
* to this instance, the underlying byte array will expand.
public PoolingByteArrayOutputStream(ByteArrayPool pool) {
this(pool, DEFAULT_SIZE);
* Constructs a new {@code ByteArrayOutputStream} with a default size of {@code size} bytes. If
* more than {@code size} bytes are written to this instance, the underlying byte array will
* expand.
* @param size initial size for the underlying byte array. The value will be pinned to a default
* minimum size.
public PoolingByteArrayOutputStream(ByteArrayPool pool, int size) {
mPool = pool;
* buf,该输出流将要内容写入的目标byte[],如果多次写入,buf长度不够的时候需要扩展长度
buf = mPool.getBuf(Math.max(size, DEFAULT_SIZE));
public void close() throws IOException {
buf = null;
public void finalize() {
* Ensures there is enough space in the buffer for the given number of additional bytes.
* 扩充当前输出流正在使用的byte[]的大小
private void expand(int i) {
/* Can the buffer handle @i more bytes, if not expand it */
if (count + i <= buf.length) {
//当当前的byte[]不再满足时,需要从byte[]缓冲池中获取一个byte[],大小为(count + i) * 2
byte[] newbuf = mPool.getBuf((count + i) * 2);
System.arraycopy(buf, 0, newbuf, 0, count);
buf = newbuf;
* 从buffer的offset位置读len长度的内容,写入到输出流的byte[](buf)中
public synchronized void write(byte[] buffer, int offset, int len) {
super.write(buffer, offset, len);
public synchronized void write(int oneByte) {