@3013216027 2016-01-28T13:19:08.000000Z 字数 1690 阅读 1019




  1. C
  2. D
  3. D
  4. A
  5. B
    • 双箭头是圆箭头的意思
  6. D
  7. B
    • 下划虚线表示弱实体集的候选键
  8. D
  9. B
  10. B
    • 参考《数据库系统实现》第三章,玛雅..
  11. B 外关键字Foreign key
  12. C 拥有reference权就可以了
  13. B 除了默认拒绝更新,显式指定的只有CASCADE和SET NULL两种选项
  14. B
  15. D
  16. A
    • 据测试,MySQL的列是从1开始数的?所以肯定是4列和6列啊?
  17. C
  18. B 下划线表示任意一个字符,百分号表示任意个字符
  19. B
  20. C
  21. A
  22. D 增加索引create index idx1 on tab(col)alter table tab add index on (col)
  23. D
  24. C
  25. D
  26. x
  27. B
  28. D
  29. B
  30. B
  31. C
  32. D
  33. A
  34. D
  35. D
  36. D
  37. 看看JDBC...
  38. ? 《数据库系统实现》第八章
  39. B D中应为X是一个超键
  40. B
    • insert into tab2 是打错了?

41. CD
42. B
43. BC
44. BD
45. B
46. BD
47. B
48. AB
49. BC
50. D


  1. 结果为

    • a) select sname from Sailors natural join Reserves natural join Boats where color = 'green' or color = 'red';
    • b) select rating from Sailors group by rating having avg(age) <= all (select avg(age) from Sailors group by rating);select rating from (select rating, avg(age) as avg_age from Sailors group by rating) as gps where avg_age = (select min(avg_age) from gps);
    • c) ref: 关于双重NOT EXISTS的一个撕烤

      select sname from Sailors
      where not exists (
      select * from Boats
      where color = 'red' and not exists (
      select * from Reserves
      where Reserves.bid = Boats.bid and Reserves.sid = Sailors.sid

  2. create table work_in (
    ssn char(10) not null,
    did char(5) not null,
    from date not null,
    to date not null,
    constraint pk_work_in primary key (ssn, did, from);
    constraint fk_work_in_employees foreign key (ssn) references employees (ssn),
    constraint fk_work_in_departments foreign key (did) references departments (did)
    create assertion ast check (
    (select count(ssn) from employees) = (select count(distinct ssn) from work_in)
    (select count(did) from departments) = (select count(distinct did) from work_in)

  3. 啥?
  4. 啥?
