@lyc102 2016-06-15T13:15:43.000000Z 字数 5138 阅读 1240

Fractional Norm on Boundary


We consider a polygon and the boundary . We give equivalent formulation of norm on .

Form 1: Harmonic Extension

For a function harmonic in , i.e., in , we have the norma equivalence

Form 2: Sobolev-Slobodeckij Intergral Form

An equivalent Sobolev-Slobodeckij -norm:

Form 2: Hilbert Scales (Interpolation)

Let be the Laplace-Beltrami operator defined on the boundary. Then defines a norm on the subspace of with average . On such subspace, we the define


All these definitions are equivalent.

Question: how the dependence of the domain? Check references.

The compactness argument does give a proof but the dependence of the domain is unclear.

A stability result

Consider the elliptic equation in and on . Then the stability result is

Now the question is: which norm? Using is trivial as this is the definition. How to prove the stability using the integral form ? Check the elliptic equation or boundary element method?


For the stabilization, the ideal choice is the harmonic extension one. But it is not computable. Or the key of VEM is NOT to solve the harmonic extension inside.

When using the integral form, we further split to the broken -norm which results in a graph Laplacian with constant coefficients. Then we need to prove the inequality for and the broken half norm .

It turns out the last one is a good balance.

Connection with broken 1/2 and weighted L2 norms

To prove the lower or upper bound, it is reduced to the generalized eigenvalue estimate. For example, the broken norm is and
Then we can study the generlized eigenvalue problem

If we assume the neighboring face size is comparable, the so-called locally quasi-uniform, then we can scale by a diagonal matrix and the estimate should depends on the size of these matrices and thus the number of faces on boundary.

If the boundary mesh is not local quasi-uniform, consider the artifical partition and a term appears.

The key is the relation of and the broken half norm . The ideal one is the identity

which is true for non-negative integer Sobolev norms, e.g. . For fractional norms, the differential operator is defined globally and thus is not simply the restriction of . We should go back to the definition of fractional norm on a domain :

With the decomposition :

If we denote and , then . The diagonal of the matrix is the broken half norms.

So we get the inequality for

The essential difficulty is to estimate the cross term. Before getting into detail, notice that we are dealing with piecewise linear and continuous function on the boundary. So is computable:
where is the slope of along . The norm is

We should modify the stabilization to

Then the upper bound
holds with constant .

The lower bound which leads to the coercivity is more delicate. We can make assumption on : on the polygon , the inequality

for (continuous and piecewise linear functions).

The rest is devoted to prove the above inequality and see what kind of conditions should be imposed to the polygon.

A thought on the bound of enumerator

Then estimate the double integral

  1. Convex and shape regular polygons. Easy. Cite W. Cao's result.
  2. Allow the neighboring edge length change dramatically by adding an artifical grid to decompose larger edge to the case 1. A logrithmic factor might needed.
  3. Allow the concave case as long as is uniformly bounded below. The factor might needed. Rule out the cusp and samll angles.
  4. For interface problems, the element contains a small angle is always a triangle and stabilization is not needed. Rectangle with a large aspect ratio is allowed. So good enough for the mesh generated for interface problems.