@lyc102 2015-06-06T10:04:06.000000Z 字数 1975 阅读 1480

Virtual Element Methods for Elliptic Interface Problems in Three Dimensions

math paper

We consider numerical methods for solving the following interface problems


  1. (Min: please add details)

Project 1: VEM for elliptic interface problems
* VEM for elliptic equations
* Interface meshes in 3-D
* VEM for interface problems: simple geometry
- function continuous, flux continuous
- function continuous, flux jump
- ? function jump, flux jump
* Adaptive Interface meshes in 3-D
- refinement using octtree
- geometry information on the interface

Project 2: Improved Accuracy
* Isoparametric Interface VEM in 2-D and 3-D
* High order Interface VEM in 2-D and 3-D

Project 3: Application


Function Jump
(Long) I want to bring up the discussion on the way to deal with the jump of function values. Now the numerical results shows that:
1. if the function is continuous, no matter how big the flux jump is, the L norm is always second order.
2. if the function is discontinuous, the order is reduced to 1.6 ~ 1.8. As h, the order is approaching 2.
3. The maximum norm for Ω and Ω+ is different. One is stricktly second order. Another is small but not second order.
(Min, please add information on your test)

Mathematically we introduce a function w to eliminate the function value jump. But does the approximation depends on the choice of w? On one hand, it seems that the solution p=uw depends on the w if we think about the algebraic equation. The matrix A is always the same. The vector b for f and flux jump q1 is the same. Then different w will give different right hand side and consequently different solution. The solution is only modified in Ω. Can we prove or numerical test the dependence of the choice of the extension?

Here is a simple test. Chose 1-D intervale (0,1). Consider the interface problem with interface located at 1/4 and 3/4. The exact solution is taken as piecewise constant function. It is zero outside and one inside, i.e., (1/4,3/4). The β can be simply 1 first and the flux jump is set as zero. The function jump is 1 (or 1). Then form the matrix and test different w.
Min: Can you code this simple test?
