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Going from to , we can use either
Write with ``simpler" operators and . Then evolve them using implicit and explicit scheme alternatively.
The Peaceman-Rachford method
From to , we set .
The Douglas-Rachford method
Write out detailed algorithm.
Example: C-N and Euler Methods
- P-R will give two versions of C-N
- D-R will give two versions of Euler's method
Example: ADI (Alternating Direction Implicit) Method
Consider the simple linear problem
Stablity: for some norm , we have
The stability is equivalent to study the norm for some approriate norms (e.g. , or -norm). As is SPD and is a rational polynomail, it is reduced to study the function , where is an eigenvalue of and .
Consider the inequality . If it holds for all , we call it unconditionally stable. Otherwise the upper bound put a restriction on the step size which is usually in the form .
For general operator , we could extend the domain of from the real line to the complex plane and consider range of , the real part of .
Remark In ODE solvers, the eqn is in the form which is a sign difference with our setting. For example, the unconditional stable means for all with not in our setting.
The exact solution of (*) satisfy no matter what the initial condition is. After a time discretization, we would like to preserve the decay property. To do so, we need a stronger stability (also known as A-stable or L-stable) result
It might happen which is acceptable. As corresponds to small eigenvalues for which the component decay with a smaller rate (the graph is relative flat) and thus the contraction rate close to is acceptable for , i.e. for small eigenvalues of (fast transition vs slow transition). For large eigenvalues of , the exact decay rate is large. Then close is not accurate.
Consider the case of but . Then to capture the decay property in the discretization, is still needed. When is large, a small step size is needed to have the correct decay property even the solution is smooth after a fast transition. This difficulty is known as stiffness.
Stronger stable scheme will be also more suitable for computing the steady-state solution.
Crank-Nicolson method is unconditional stable and second order time discretization but it is not strong stability. The polynomial as .
Backward Euler is strong stable as but only first order.
A second order and strong stable scheme is BDF_2: suppose are known, we obtain by solving
Formally this is done by comparing Taylor series. First
Now we set two inter middle points in one time intervale. Given , we set and . Again we split and iterative:
What is the optimal choice of ? How do we split ? We study a simplified problem and splitting scheme: is linear and .
Write out and study the stability and accuracy.