@kailaix 2016-09-03T19:06:02.000000Z 字数 2030 阅读 2668



拉格朗日方法的理论基础是凸优化中的对偶原理,需要注意的是,即使最后取得 max min 时候的极值点(argmin argmax )不是原来函数的极值点,但是在一定条件下,我们能得到一样的函数值。



  1. from scipy import optimize as opt
  2. import numpy as np
  3. from math import pi,cos,sin
  4. import cPickle
  5. class ILRSolver(object):
  6. def __init__(self,f,marker):
  7. self.f = f
  8. self.stepsize = 1.0
  9. self.cnt = 0
  10. self.iter_cnt = 0
  11. self.mu = 0.0
  12. self.marker = marker
  13. self.L = []
  14. def _fmin(self):
  15. if self.marker == 1:
  16. if self.mu >= 1:
  17. self.x = np.array([0,0,0]);return
  18. else:
  19. self.x = np.array([1,1,1]);return
  20. if self.marker == 2:
  21. if self.mu < 1:
  22. self.x = np.array([1,1,1]);return
  23. elif self.mu<2:
  24. self.x = np.array([0,1,1]);return
  25. elif self.mu<3:
  26. self.x = np.array([0,0,1]);return
  27. else:
  28. self.x = np.array([0,0,0]);return
  29. def update_coef(self):
  30. delta = self.x.sum() - 1.5
  31. if delta > 0:
  32. self.mu += self.stepsize
  33. elif delta < 0:
  34. self.mu -= self.stepsize
  35. def update(self):
  36. self.update_coef()
  37. self._fmin()
  38. self.fx_old = self.fx
  39. self.fx = self.f(self.x)
  40. if self.fx == self.fx_old:
  41. self.cnt += 1
  42. if self.cnt >= 10 or self.iter_cnt % 10==0:
  43. self.cnt = 0
  44. self.stepsize /= 2.0
  45. def _nonstop(self):
  46. print "---------------------\n Current infomation:"
  47. print "iter: "+ str(self.iter_cnt)
  48. print "stepsize: "+str(self.stepsize)
  49. print "x: "+ str(self.x)
  50. print "mu: "+str(self.mu)
  51. print "f(x): "+ str(self.fx)
  52. print "g(x): " + str(self.x.sum() - 1.5)
  53. obj_func = lambda x:self.f(x)+self.mu*(x[0]+x[1]+x[2]-1.5)
  54. print "objf(x): "+str(obj_func(self.x))
  55. self.L.append(obj_func(self.x))
  56. self.iter_cnt += 1
  57. # raw_input('press to continue')
  58. if self.stepsize <= 1e-5:
  59. print 'STEPSIZE TOO SMALL'
  60. return False
  61. if self.x[0]+self.x[1]+self.x[2] == 1.5:
  62. print 'OPTIMAL'
  63. return False
  64. return True
  65. def iterate(self):
  66. self._fmin()
  67. self.fx = self.f(self.x)
  68. while self._nonstop():
  69. self.update()
  70. def save_data(self):
  71. with open(str(self.marker)+'.dat','wb') as fp:
  72. cPickle.dump(self.L, fp)
  73. f1 = lambda x: - ( x[0]**2 + x[1]**2 + x[2]**2 )
  74. f2 = lambda x: - (x[0]+2*x[1]+3*x[2])
  75. ilr1 = ILRSolver(f1,1)
  76. ilr2 = ILRSolver(f2,2)
  77. ilr1.iterate()
  78. ilr1.save_data()
  79. ilr2.iterate()
  80. ilr2.save_data()

