@ghostfn1 2016-03-01T17:47:47.000000Z 字数 846 阅读 2016

Linux Shell 输入/输出重定向

Shell Linux

Update Time:160301 Teusday

大多数 UNIX 系统命令从你的终端接受输入并将所产生的输出发送回到您的终端。一个命令通常从一个叫标准输入的地方读取输入,默认情况下,这恰好是你的终端。同样,一个命令通常将其输出写入到标准输出,默认情况下,这也是你的终端。

  1. 1、输出重定向
  2. [centos@localhost ~]$ ls > abc
  3. [centos@localhost ~]$ cat abc
  4. abc
  5. game2.sh
  6. game.sh
  7. hello.sh
  8. [centos@localhost ~]$ ls >>abc
  9. # Add content but not erase.
  10. cat abc
  11. lst 2 >abc
  12. # Output the wrong message
  13. 2、输入重定向
  14. command1 < file1
  15. command1 << file1
  16. 3
  17. When run a Unix/Linux command, three files will be open:
  18. stdin, stdout and stderr. The file descriptors for them are 0, 1 and 2. As a result, we could use commands like these:
  19. command >file 2>&1
  20. command >>file 2>&1
  21. command &> file
  22. command &>> file
  23. # To save both the wrong and right messages.
  24. 4
  25. The command won't be shown on the winwod using the dev/null file.
  26. $ command > /dev/null
  27. $ command > /dev/null 2>&1
  28. # stdout and stderr
  29. command >>abc 2>>def
  30. //save to abc and def.
  31. Examples:
  32. wc < abc
  33. # Ctrl+d to exit.
  34. wc <<hello
  35. >asdca
  36. >asa
  37. >hello
  38. # When you input hello again,it will exit.