CSE103 Final Exam
Note: Bold for Answer
- The definition of Information System
- foreign key constraint
- odbc (c refers to connectivity)
- dbms is interface between database and program (From the book "The design of DBMS must take into account the interface between the DBMS and operating system")
- IBM's IMS uses hierarchical DBMS
- referential integrity rule applies to foreign keys
- QBE(query by example)
- Count(*)
- grouped query (GROUP BY)
- restricting groupings (HAVING clause)
- nested query
- BCNF: if and only if, every determinant is a candiate key
- c**reate schema, domain, table, view** (DDL)
- grant (revoke cascade|restrict )
- UML(multiplicity of relation)
- Armstrong’s axiom
- update anomaly
- UK’s 1998 Data Protection Act (people cannot erase the data)
- data types
- create database is normalised
- In MS access, input mask is used for data entry
- normalisation is a data validation technique
- UML notation, like natural join, selection, projection, etc.
- first develop DB model then process normalization (ch 17.2)
- (jdbc) executeQuery, what does rs.next() do? Moves the cursor froward one row from its current position
// answer source: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/sql/ResultSet.html#next%28%29
ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery();
rs. next()
P.S. Even though most answers could be found from the book, I still think some of the questions are too queer. Sad.