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Individual Success Plan

Individual Success Plans allow students to develop a personal plan for completing practice immersion hours and self-assess how they will meet the GCU RN-to-BSN program's University Mission Critical Competencies and course Domains and Competencies. Learn NRS 493 Benchmark Capstone Project Change Proposal about the ISP process here.

Nursing theories provide a framework that shapes the extent of nurse practice. These theory-based systems help nurses interpret circumstances, determine needs and decide.

Topic 1: Learning Outcomes

Whether at the course or program level, learning outcomes are clear statements of what students should be able to do after engaging in the learning activity. They are student-centered, measurable, concise, meaningful and achievable.

Good learning outcomes use concrete action verbs that align with higher-level cognitive domains in Bloom’s Taxonomy. They should also articulate how these skills will be assessed.

Clearly written learning nrs 493 capstone project change proposal presentation make it easier for instructors to choose assessments and activities that will help students demonstrate they have learned the expected content. This may include well-crafted exam questions, a poster or other assignment project and competency self-assessment.

Topic 2: Learning Activities

Students conduct a variety of learning activities that contribute to their personal success plan, including crafting a letter to their future self and creating their own logo. These lessons are a low-stakes, yet powerful way for students to imagine/articulate their life after high school, and set goals that help them achieve their post secondary educational and career interests.

Students complete their Individual NRS 493 Individual Success Plan Plan in NRS-493 and align it to the GCU RN-to-BSN University Mission Critical Competencies and Domains & Competencies. This is a course requirement that counts towards practice immersion hours and course objectives.

Topic 4: Learning Resources

Student success plans address both the short- and long-term educational goals of students. They also help remove obstacles that keep students from succeeding in school.

This TBLS resources collection includes lesson plans, activities, presentations and readings. It also has an editable template for students to create their Personal Success Plans.

Demonstrate leadership and nrs 493 topic 1 lopes activity tracker kr skills to effectively implement change initiatives for nursing practice. Complete the NRS-490 Individual Success Plan with faculty and mentor approvals and documented practice immersion hours (student responsible for obtaining all approvals). Present a capstone project change initiative presentation to an interprofessional group of leaders.

Topic 5: Mid-Conference

During this portion of the course, students will identify the number of community and leadership direct clinical practice hours as well as indirect clinical practice hours they need to complete by the end of the course. The student will also discuss their plan for completing the course objectives with the preceptor/mentor.

Students will use the Individual Success Plan resource to develop a plan for meeting their clinical experience and course objectives. The student will then NR501 Importance of Theory in Nursing the completed document with their mentor, preceptor or content expert (depending on the course) and submit it to LoudCloud by the end of week 8 (like a preconference). The faculty will review and grade the ISP document at mid-conference.

Topic 6: Post-Conference

At the end of your conference, you can review your attendance register to see which media organizations didn’t attend. You can then plan to follow up with them or try a new approach.

Use this form to create your Individual Success Plan (ISP) for NRS-493, the Professional Capstone and Practicum course. Your ISP maps out what you, the RN-to-BSN student, needs to accomplish as you work through this course and your overall program of study.

It also shows how you will meet the GCU RN-to-BSN University Mission Critical Competencies and Course Domains & Competencies (Appendix A) related to that course.

Topic 7: Final Presentation

Demonstrate therapeutic communication within a diverse health care setting. Integrate a Christian worldview into decision making and apply ethical principles to practice.

Identify problems, issues, and opportunities to improve patient outcomes and organizational procedures in a clinical practice environment. Display interprofessional collaborative character in the development of a capstone project change proposal. Incorporate self-reflective practice into the practicum reflective journal.

Review the ISP template in the PI Workspace area of the DC Network to see what deliverables are planned for this topic. Then, locate the intended deliverable in the course and submit it for grading.
