@torresdyl 2016-11-17T21:03:08.000000Z 字数 4242 阅读 4324

[NSS/NSPR] How to build NSS 3.27 with NSPR


(In some environments we have NSS+NSPR installed, such as in my RedHat 7.2, I have:

  1. Installed Packages
  2. nss.x86_64 3.21.0-17.el7 @rhel-7-server-rpms


  1. Installed Packages
  2. nspr.x86_64 4.11.0-1.el7_2 @rhel-7-server-eus-rpms

so we can see that NSS 3.21 + NSPR 4.11 is stable. At least I think so.)

You can check with sudo yum list nss*, and to get more info about every nss-related package, use sudo yum info nss*. NSPR is alike, sudo yum list nspr*.

If you want to upgrade them, use sudo yum upgrade nss*, or check-update. If they are not working, just sudo yum install nss*, sudo yum install nspr*.

0. Download NSS+NSPR source tarballs:

From the main page of NSS, we can enter the Release link to find all versions:


Here we choose NSS 3.27, and the link indicates that NSS 3.27 is working with NSPR 4.13:


So we download them all.

1. Unzip and build

To unzip a .tar.gz file, we use:

  1. tar -xvzf your_zipped_file

If is a .tar file, use:

  1. tar -xvf your_compressed_file

About how to use tar and what these arguments mean, there's a good answer in AskUbuntu:

Type man tar for more information, but this command should do the trick:

  1. tar -xvzf community_images.tar.gz

To explain a little further, tar collected all the files into one package, community_images.tar. The gzip program applied compression, hence the gz extension. So the command does a couple things:

  • f: this must be the last flag of the command, and the tar file must be immediately after. It tells tar the name and path of the compressed file.
  • z: tells tar to decompress the archive using gzip
  • x: tar can collect files or extract them. x does the latter.
  • v: makes tar talk a lot. Verbose output shows you all the files being extracted.

Now, you see two directories, nss and nspr. Enter nss, and with instructions of NSS building in Mozilla.org,


you must build with these command:

  1. gmake nss_build_all

If gmake is not available, try to install build-essential or gcc with g++. If still missing, make can do it.

2. Arguments and errors

As per the previous building instruction, there're two arguments that deserve our attention:

In order to start the build process, use "cd nss" and execute "make nss_build_all". By default this will produce a build in debug mode and for a 32-bit architecture. You may set the environment variable BUILD_OPT=1 to get an optimized build, and/or variable USE_64=1 to get a 64-bit build.

If you have seen this error:

  1. ssl3con.c:36:18: fatal error: zlib.h: No such file or directory
  2. #include "zlib.h"
  3. ^
  4. compilation terminated.

You must add this argument: NSS_SSL_ENABLE_ZLIB=

If you encounter this error:

  1. /usr/include/gnu/stubs.h:7:27: error: gnu/stubs-32.h:No such file or directory

Be sure to add USE_64=1 and try to install glibc-devel.

If you still see a similar but different error, like this:

  1. gcc -o Linux3.10_x86_64_cc_glibc_PTH_64_OPT.OBJ/zip.o -c -O2 -fPIC -DLINUX2_1 -m64 -pipe -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -DLINUX -Dlinux -DHAVE_STRERROR -Wall -Werror -DXP_UNIX -UDEBUG -DNDEBUG -D_REENTRANT -DNSS_NO_INIT_SUPPORT -DUSE_UTIL_DIRECTLY -DNO_NSPR_10_SUPPORT -DSSL_DISABLE_DEPRECATED_CIPHER_SUITE_NAMES -I../../../dist/Linux3.10_x86_64_cc_glibc_PTH_64_OPT.OBJ/include -I../../../dist/public/nss -I../../../dist/private/nss -I../../../dist/public/seccmd zip.c
  2. zip.c:7:18: fatal error: zlib.h: No such file or directory
  3. #include "zlib.h"
  4. ^
  5. compilation terminated.

You can solve it like this:
- If you are using Ubuntu x32, try to install zlib1g-dev.
- If you are using Redhat x64, try to install zlib-devel.

And build with all the arguments necessary.

2. Installation

After successful building, you can see no errors are promptted, and you can see a dist directory on the same level of nss and nspr. Like this:

  1. |
  2. - dist
  3. - nss
  4. - nspr

The installation guide of Mozilla is simple but not so clear:


Searching with "install nss" will lead you to this site, where we find more information:


Note the title of this site is "NSS-3.27.1", meaning that it's updated till now (nov. 2016).

If you have NSS and NSPR installed previously, you may have to check where are they preinstalled. Like in my case, run a locate libnss3.so gives me that it's in /usr/lib64. So try not to cause conflict.

It's always good to check where each and every file are installed. To check them in RPM-based environment, use

  1. rpm -ql some_package

And in dpkg-based system, use

  1. dpkg -L package_name

to list all files owned by this package.
