@torresdyl 2016-10-27T16:31:42.000000Z 字数 1171 阅读 2849

[Linux]Install Atom editor in Ubuntu x86 在Linux下安装32位Atom

ubuntu x86 32bit atom


Now Atom is migrating completely to x64, but if we only have a 32 bit machine, some tweak must be done to install Atom.

0. Add repository

  1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/atom

If you see this error:

  1. Cannot add PPA: 'ppa:~webupd8team/ubuntu/atom'.
  2. ERROR: '~webupd8team' user or team does not exist.

There may be two reasons:
1. You are behind a proxy.
2. Your ca-certificate is broken.

1-1. Set proxy as system variable.

  1. export http_proxy=http://PROXY:PORT
  2. export https_proxy=http://PROXY:PORT

And, use sudo -E to make sudo to preserve/respect the variables you just set:

  1. sudo -E add-apt-repostory ppa:webupd8team/atom/

1-2. Reinstall your ca certificates.

  1. sudo apt-get install --reinstall ca-certificates

2. Refresh source list and install

  1. sudo apt-get update
  2. sudo apt-get install atom

And you are done!

Where is Atom installed? The question is not easy to answer. Check out /usr/bin/atom.sh and you may have a better understanding. In my case(Ubuntu 16.04 LTS 32 bit), it's in /opt/atom/atom.
