字数 4263
阅读 2218
f(x) = Q(f(x-1), f(x-2) ...)
,到通项公式。 我们一起来模拟一下用“模式识别”和我们之前提到的原则来应对面试(而不只是解决这个题目)注意无论是讲解还是视频课程中都会尽量以英文术语为主,一方面是避免混淆,另外一方面通过这些希望大家养成程序中用英文规范命名的习惯
e.g.1 Sort a number of people by their ages. (对一群人按照年龄排序)
e.g.2 Replace each element with the product of all elements other than that element. (把数组里的每个数替换成其他数的乘积)
e.g.3 Design the data structures for a very large social network and an algorithm to show the connection between two people (为一个大规模的社交网络设计数据结构,以及计算两者之间关系的算法)
作业:e.g.4 Having N nodes, each with a value.Require each node running a function getSum() to get the sum of the values in the network.The values could vary with time. (网络中有N台机器,每台带有一个值,互相连接,假定他们都始终运行getSum()这样一个函数,返回值应该是网络中所有值的总和)
N nodes, each node consists of a couple fields and methods. These are:
int id; //every node has an ID. All of these IDs are sequential, and begin with 0.
int val; //every node has a value
int max; //max = N. Every node knows how many nodes are in the system.
void send(int idTo, int payload);
int recv(int idFrom);
Write a single piece of code which runs on every node simultaneously, such that when it is finished running every node in the system knows the sum of the values of all the nodes in the system.
ADT(抽象数据类型)与Data Structure(数据结构)的区别:
ADT代表的是有某种功能,就像是个interface(接口);而Data Structure是一种它的具体implementation。
e.g. Hashtable也可以用BST,只要实现lookup这种功能。用程序语言表示是两个concrete的class都implement了 ICanLookup 这个interface
Linked List 是 ADT还是Data Structure?
ADT 与具体实现以至于performance是无关的
说这些,用意在于思考:我为什么要选择这个Data Structure? 实际上首先是根据问题的特征选择ADT (a sequence of numbers),其次是根据performance的requirement来选择 (比如是一个数据流,并且需要插入删除)。
e.g. LRU缓存 - 需要插入删除的数据串,并且需要快速地检索
Stack/Queue - ADT 最简单的判定方法是他们有不同的implementation
Heap 堆栈 - Data Structure, Priority Queue 是 ADT
Queue 就是priority queue的一个特例
interface IQueue extends IPriorityQueue (where getPriority() returns getInsertedOrder());
class Heap implements IPriorityQueue;
N nodes, each node consists of a couple fields and methods. These are:
int id; //every node has an ID. All of these IDs are sequential, and begin with 0.
int val; //every node has a value
int max; //max = N. Every node knows how many nodes are in the system.
void send(int idTo, int payload);
int recv(int idFrom);
Write a single piece of code which runs on every node simultaneously, such that when it is finished running every node in the system knows the sum of the values of all the nodes in the system.
a. 两两互相传递
b. 假定一台为SERVER ,负责发送,其他都接收总和的值
c. 时间复杂度是否可能比O(n)
更好呢?能否从机器之间并行计算的角度出发,避免不平衡的计算 (load balance), 抽象到数据结构就是用具备D&C特性的tree,通过并行计算subproblem来更快的解决problem
Binary Tree 天生具有D&C的特性,能够很方便地掌握子树的情况,并在整个数据结构中传递全局信息。
int getSum() { //as member function of the node
int parent = ( id - 1)/2;
int left = 2*id + 1;
int right = 2*id + 2;
// DFS
int subsum = val;
if( right < max ) subsum += recv(right);
if( left < max ) subsum += recv(left);
if(parent >= 0 ) send( parent, subsum);
int sum = 0;
if(parent >= 0) sum = recv( parent);
else sum = subsum;
send( left, sum);
send(right, sum );
return sum;
这是一道模式难以解答的问题,但也并非没有规律。Divide and Conquer(分治法)加上 并行计算的概念。BST天生具有D&C(分治)属性,并且:利用BST维护的稳定性,BST的节点可以方便地记录其子树的信息,并在节点间传递全局信息,方便检索。