字数 5323
阅读 1586
Target | Description |
build | Assembles and tests this project |
clean | Deletes the build directory |
tasks | Displays the tasks runnable from root project x (some of the displayed tasks may belong to subprojects) |
installDebug | Installs the Debug build |
installDebugTest | Installs the Test build for the Debug build |
connectedAndroidTest | Installs and runs the tests for Build debug on connected devices |
uninstallDebug | Uninstalls the Debug build |
$ mkdir AndroidApplicationTestingGuide
$ cd AndroidApplicationTestingGuide
$ git init
$ cp -a <path/to/original>/AndroidApplicationTestingGuide/
$ gradlew clean
$ rm local.properties
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Initial commit"
$ java -jar ~/jenkins/jenkins-1.592.war
$ java -jar fitnesse.jar -p 8900
创建 TemperatureConverterTests subwiki
Static: This is a normal Wiki page
Suite: This is a page containing other tests composing a suite
Test: This is a page that contains tests
public class TemperatureConverterCelsiusToFahrenheitFixture {
private double celsius;
public void setCelsius(double celsius) {
this.celsius = celsius;
public String fahrenheit() throws Exception {
try {
double fahrenheit = TemperatureConverter.celsiusToFahrenheit(celsius);
return String.valueOf(fahrenheit);
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
return e.getLocalizedMessage();
$ java -jar /lib/fitnesse.jar -p 8900
testCompile 'com.github.bernerbits:givwenzen:'
package bdd.steps.tc;
import com.blundell.tut.TemperatureConverter;
import org.givwenzen.annotations.DomainStep;
import org.givwenzen.annotations.DomainSteps;
public class TemperatureConverterSteps {
private static final String CELSIUS = "Celsius";
private static final String FAHRENHEIT = "Fahrenheit";
private static final String UNIT_NAME = "(" + CELSIUS + "|" + FAHRENHEIT + ")";
private static final String ANY_TEMPERATURE = "([-+]?\\d+(?:\\.\\d+)?)";
private double inputTemperature = Double.NaN;
@DomainStep("I(?: a|')m using the TemperatureConverter")
public void createTemperatureConverter() {
// do nothing
@DomainStep("I enter " + ANY_TEMPERATURE + " into the " + UNIT_NAME + " field")
public void setField(double inputTemperature, String unitName) {
this.inputTemperature = inputTemperature;
@DomainStep("I obtain " + ANY_TEMPERATURE + " in the " + UNIT_NAME + " field")
public boolean verifyConversion(double expectedTemperature, String unitName) {
double outputTemperature = convertInputInto(unitName);
return Math.abs(outputTemperature - expectedTemperature) < 0.01D;
private double convertInputInto(String unitName) {
double convertedInputTemperature;
if (CELSIUS.equals(unitName)) {
convertedInputTemperature = getCelsius();
} else if (FAHRENHEIT.equals(unitName)) {
convertedInputTemperature = getFahrenheit();
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown conversion unit" + unitName);
return convertedInputTemperature;
private double getCelsius() {
return TemperatureConverter.fahrenheitToCelsius(inputTemperature);
private double getFahrenheit() {
return TemperatureConverter.celsiusToFahrenheit(inputTemperature);