条件随机场(Conditional Random Fields)入门
此文中将以CRF在论文Class Segmentation and Object Localization with Superpixel Neighborhoods中的应用为例,来简要介绍CRF的应用,该论文对应的代码Blocks可在网上下载到。
只关注论文中"Refinement with a CRF"部分, 引用文章中的原话(懒得翻译了……)
"let P(c|G;w) be the conditional probability of the set of class label assignments c given the adjacency graph G(S,E) and a weight w:"
"Our unary potentials edge
Ψ are defined directly by the probability outputs provided by the our SVM for each superpixel:"
"and our pairwise edge potentials
Φ are similar to those:"
[.] is the zero-one indicator function and
||si−sj|| is the norm of the color difference between superpixels in the LUV colorspace.
L(si,sj) is the shared boundary length between superpixels
si and
sj and acts here as a regularizing term which discourages small isolated regions."
"In many CRF applications for this domain, the unary and pairwise potentials are represented by a weighted summation of many simple features, and so the parameters of the model are learned by maximizing their conditional log-likelihood. In our formulation, we simply have one weight
w which represents the tradeoff between spatial regularization and our confidence in the classification. We estimate
w by cross validation on the training data. Once our model has been learned, we carry out inference with multi-label graph optimization library using
α-expansion. Since the CRF is defined on the superpixel graph, inference is very efficient, taking less than half a second per image".
Blocks中的CRF部分是借助实现的, 关于GCMex的说明可参加GCMex代码主页。具体的调用过程参见Blocks中experiments/run_quickrec.m->quichrec.m 270-304行