2015-07-29 17:44
字数 1721
阅读 1502
select * from ltisystem_holiday
Create the tradingDate
You can check the date by Query SQL first
select * from ltisystem_tradingdate
select * from ltisystem_rebalancedate
Get the last tradingdate by
select * from ltisystem_tradingdate order by tradingdate desc limit 1
it should be 2015-12-31
Run the script in MyPlanIQ Server:
cd /usr/apache-tomcat-7.0.41/scripts
./run.sh CalculateTradingDateAndRebalanceDate 2015-12-31 2020-01-01
After it is done ,check the TradingDate and Rebalance by Query SQL
select * from ltisystem_tradingdate order by tradingdate desc
select * from ltisystem_rebalancedate order by RebalanceDate desc
Call me
Generate image for Re-balance Calendar in Dashboard
),you can use vim or VA->filebrowner,add the content:
<li><a href="#RebalanceCalendar_2016">2016</a></li>
<div id="RebalanceCalendar_2016">
<h1 style="text-align: center;">Rebalance Calendar(2016)</h1>
<img src="/LTISystem/jsp/images/calendar/calendar2016.jpg" style="margin-left:20px; "/>