@eqyun 2015-07-29 17:44 字数 1721 阅读 1502

Insert holiday

  1. Get the holidays from timeanddate
  2. Create the holiday in Create A New Holiday, save the holiday one by one

Caculate tradingDate and Rebalance Date

before that ,you need MYSQL GUI TOOL

  1. Install the MYSQL GUI TOOL

    1. Stored Connection:myplaniq.com
    2. Server Host:www.myplaniq.com Port:3306
    3. Username:ltiadmin
    4. Password:{our password}
    5. Default Schema:(Must be empty!)
    6. Type the OK Button you will see all schematas in the right slide view
    7. Don't even touch the block triangle in the right slide view, just double click the "ltisystem" will be OK
    8. Now you can select the data from database directly, let's check the holiday we insert before by Query SQL
      1. select * from ltisystem_holiday
  3. Create the tradingDate

    • You can check the date by Query SQL first

      1. select * from ltisystem_tradingdate
      2. select * from ltisystem_rebalancedate
    • Get the last tradingdate by

      1. select * from ltisystem_tradingdate order by tradingdate desc limit 1

    it should be 2015-12-31

    • Run the script in MyPlanIQ Server:

      1. cd /usr/apache-tomcat-7.0.41/scripts
      2. ./run.sh CalculateTradingDateAndRebalanceDate 2015-12-31 2020-01-01
    • After it is done ,check the TradingDate and Rebalance by Query SQL

      1. select * from ltisystem_tradingdate order by tradingdate desc
      2. select * from ltisystem_rebalancedate order by RebalanceDate desc
  4. Problems
    Call me

  5. Generate image for Re-balance Calendar in Dashboard

    1. Capture the web page CALENDAR
    2. Use the PhotoShop marker the Rebalance Date out
    3. Upload the image to LTISystem,it should be/usr/apache-tomcat-7.0.41/webapps/LTISystem/jsp/images/calendar/calendar2016.jpg
    4. Edior the page(/usr/apache-tomcat-7.0.41/webapps/LTISystem/jsp/dashboard/calendar.uftl),you can use vim or VA->filebrowner,add the content:
      1. <li><a href="#RebalanceCalendar_2016">2016</a></li>
      2. `````
      3. <div id="RebalanceCalendar_2016">
      4. <h1 style="text-align: center;">Rebalance Calendar(2016)</h1>
      5. <img src="/LTISystem/jsp/images/calendar/calendar2016.jpg" style="margin-left:20px; "/>
      6. </div>