@cloverwang 2016-06-20T11:01:13.000000Z 字数 11705 阅读 2179


Python 计时 持久化





  1. >>> import sys, platform
  2. >>> print '%s %s, Python %s' %(platform.system(), platform.release(), platform.python_version())
  3. Windows XP, Python 2.7.11
  4. >>> sys.version
  5. '2.7.11 (v2.7.11:6d1b6a68f775, Dec 5 2015, 20:32:19) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)]'

  1. >>> import sys, platform
  2. >>> print '%s %s, Python %s' %(platform.system(), platform.release(), platform.python_version())
  3. Linux 2.6.18-194.el5PAE, Python 2.4.3
  4. >>> sys.version
  5. '2.4.3 (#1, Jun 11 2009, 14:09:58) \n[GCC 4.1.2 20080704 (Red Hat 4.1.2-44)]'


一. 自定义计时函数


1.1 整个程序计时


  1. [wangxiaoyuan_@localhost PyTest]$ time python BCLineCounter.py bulk
  2. FileLines CodeLines CommentLines EmptyLines CommentPercent
  3. 15450 10437 3264 2538 0.24 <Total:40 Code Files>
  4. real 0m2.803s
  5. user 0m1.124s
  6. sys 0m0.052s

统计值real表示程序运行的实际耗时,user表示程序执行用户态代码(内核外)耗费的CPU时间,sys表示程序在内核态运行所耗费的CPU时间(即调用特定内核函数的耗时)。若user和sys时间之和小于real时间,表明程序为I/O密集型(I/O bound),即程序的性能问题很可能与等待I/O有关。


1.2 代码片段计时


本小节将使用timeit模块的timeit()方法,即timeit(stmt='pass', setup='pass', timer=<defaulttimer>, number=1000000)。其中,参数stmt为待计时的目标代码;setup为执行代码的准备工作(通常是import之类的语句),不计入时间;timer在Windows系统中为time.clock(),Linux系统中则为time.time(),取默认值即可;number指示stmt重复执行的次数。该方法返回执行stmt代码number遍所用的时间,单位为秒,float类型。

除timeit()方法外,对于特定函数的计时,可使用装饰器(decorator);对于语句块计时,则可使用上下文管理器(context manager)。


  1. import functools, sys, time
  2. def FuncTimer(repeats=10000):
  3. def decorator(func):
  4. @functools.wraps(func)
  5. def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
  6. #Windows系统中clock()粒度为毫秒,time()粒度为1/60秒;
  7. #Unix系统中clock()粒度为1/100秒,time()精度较其更高。
  8. if sys.platform == "win32":
  9. timerFunc = time.clock
  10. else:
  11. timerFunc = time.time
  12. try:
  13. startTime = timerFunc()
  14. for i in range(repeats):
  15. ret = func(*args, **kwargs)
  16. finally: #当目标函数发生异常时,仍旧输出计时信息
  17. endTime = timerFunc()
  18. print '%s.%s() =>' %(func.__module__, func.__name__),
  19. print 'Time Elasped: %.3f msec, repeated %d time(s).' \
  20. %(((endTime-startTime)*1000.0), repeats)
  21. return ret
  22. return wrapper
  23. return decorator


  1. @FuncTimer(10)
  2. def DecoratedFunc():
  3. L = []
  4. for i in range(100): L.append(i)
  5. def RawFunc():
  6. L = []
  7. for i in range(100): L.append(i)
  8. DecoratedFunc()
  9. import timeit; print '%.6f sec' %timeit.timeit(stmt=RawFunc, number=10)


  1. __main__.DecoratedFunc() => Time Elasped: 0.164 msec, repeated 10 time(s).
  2. 0.000174 sec


注意,FuncTimer装饰器内根据系统选用不同的计时器,这是考虑到time.clock()的精度因系统平台而异。在Unix/Linux系统中,该方法返回当前所耗的CPU时间;而在Windows系统中,该方法基于Win32函数 QueryPerformanceCounter(),返回从首次调用待计时函数起所经历的挂钟时间(wall clock time),精度较time.time()更高。相比而言,timeit方法中使用的缺省计时器总是测量挂钟时间,这也意味着关于某函数的计时可能会受到同一计算机上运行的其他进程的影响。


  1. @FuncTimer(5)
  2. def SqrtTiming(loops):
  3. import math
  4. try:
  5. from math import fsum #Python2.6+
  6. return fsum([math.sqrt(x) for x in range(loops)])
  7. except ImportError: #Python2.5-
  8. return sum([math.sqrt(x) for x in range(loops)])
  9. @FuncTimer(1)
  10. def SleepTiming():
  11. time.sleep(2)
  12. file = open(r'out.txt', "w+")
  13. for i in range(10000):
  14. file.write('hello world!')
  15. SqrtTiming(100000)
  16. SleepTiming()

在Windows系统控制台和IDLE Shell里的运行结果如下:

  1. E:\PyTest>Timing.py
  2. SqrtTiming() => Time Elasped: 150.124 msec, repeated 5 time(s).
  3. SleepTiming() => Time Elasped: 2155.140 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
  4. __main__.SqrtTiming() => Time Elasped: 151.809 msec, repeated 5 time(s).
  5. __main__.SleepTiming() => Time Elasped: 2185.594 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
  6. >>> import Timing
  7. Timing.SqrtTiming() => Time Elasped: 148.892 msec, repeated 5 time(s).
  8. Timing.SleepTiming() => Time Elasped: 2223.157 msec, repeated 1 time(s).


  1. [wangxiaoyuan_@localhost ~]$ time python Timing.py
  2. __main__.SqrtTiming() => Time Elasped: 320.000 msec, repeated 5 time(s).
  3. __main__.SleepTiming() => Time Elasped: 330.000 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
  4. real 0m2.381s
  5. user 0m0.332s
  6. sys 0m0.019s



  1. import contextlib, sys, time
  2. @contextlib.contextmanager
  3. def BlockTimer(label='Block'):
  4. if sys.platform == "win32": timerFunc = time.clock
  5. else: timerFunc = time.time
  6. startTime = timerFunc()
  7. try:
  8. yield
  9. finally:
  10. endTime = timerFunc()
  11. print '%s =>' %label,
  12. print 'Time Elasped: %.3f msec.' \
  13. %((endTime-startTime)*1000.0)


  1. with BlockTimer('cPickle'):
  2. from cPickle import dumps, loads
  3. s = dumps([x*2.4 for x in range(100000)])
  4. loads(s)
  5. with BlockTimer('json'):
  6. from json import dumps, loads
  7. s = dumps([x*2.4 for x in range(100000)])
  8. loads(s)


  1. cPickle => Time Elasped: 237.569 msec.
  2. json => Time Elasped: 181.714 msec.



  1. from timeit import timeit
  2. sep = 'from cPickle import dumps, loads'
  3. stp = 's=dumps([x*2 for x in range(100000)]); loads(s)'
  4. print 'cPickle: %.6f sec' %timeit(stmt=stp, setup=sep, number=1)
  5. sej = 'from json import dumps, loads'
  6. stj = 's=dumps([x*2 for x in range(100000)]); loads(s)'
  7. print 'json: %.6f sec' %timeit(stmt=stj, setup=sej, number=1)


  1. cPickle: 0.100775 sec
  2. json: 0.064752 sec


1.3 单条语句计时



  1. E:\PyTest>python -m timeit -r 5 "'-'.join(str(n) for n in range(100))"
  2. 10000 loops, best of 5: 32.8 usec per loop
  3. E:\PyTest>python -m timeit -r 5 "'-'.join([str(n) for n in range(100)])"
  4. 10000 loops, best of 5: 29.8 usec per loop
  5. E:\PyTest>python -m timeit -r 5 "'-'.join(map(str, range(100)))"
  6. 10000 loops, best of 5: 21.8 usec per loop

以上三条待计时的Python表达式均被重复测试5次,每次测试中调用该表达式10000次。相同机器上运行的其他程序可能会影响计时测量,因此重复测量若干次再选取最佳结果(best time),以保证计时的准确性。考虑到后台进程等因素通常会增加总耗时,因此最佳结果取重复测量的最小值(添加-v选项可查看各次测量值),而非平均值。由本例输出结果可知,map快于列表解析,而列表解析快于生成器(生成器表达式用作参数时可省略外部的括号)。注意,这三者的快慢对比会因场景而异。例如,[x for x in range(10000)]map(lambda x:x, range(10000))快三倍。因此,应根据Profiler工具的实测值而非"经验"来分析性能。

此外,需注意双引号和单引号的内外位置。在作者的Windows主机上外单内双会触发"EOL while scanning string literal"的语法错误,而在Linux主机上外单内双和外双内单均可正确解析。


  1. E:\PyTest>python -m timeit -r 5 -s "import math" "math.sqrt(255)"
  2. 10000000 loops, best of 5: 0.188 usec per loop
  3. E:\PyTest>
  4. E:\PyTest>python -m timeit -r 5 -s "from math import sqrt" "sqrt(255)"
  5. 10000000 loops, best of 5: 0.143 usec per loop


1. 进行性能评估时,要牢记任何测量结果只是一个估算值。即使相当可靠的计时工具,多次测量的结果也很可能有所出入。谨慎选取最佳结果,才能尽可能保证评估的准确性。
2. 尽量使用标准库提供的计时工具,而不要自己编写计时函数。因为普通开发者难以全面考虑处理器时间片、后台持续或间歇运行的程序(如定时更新或杀毒)、网络连接、结果缓存、编译优化等多方面因素,导致自定义计时工具精度不高,某些情况下甚至完全偏离真实数据。

二. 性能优化




cPickle/pickle模块的详细介绍参见官方帮助或博文《python pickle模块》。json是与pickle类似的轻量级数据持久化方式,也是网络数据传输时的常见标准化格式(通用性更强)。此外,json可读性更强(human-readable),使用者可在文本编辑器中打开json文件并检视数据。然而,json只能序列化(将内存中的变量转换为可存储和传输的流或文件)一些内置的Python对象,而pickle可存储几乎所有对象。


  1. CACHE_FILE = 'Counter.dump'
  3. from cPickle import dump, load
  4. #from json import dump, load
  5. def CounterDump(data):
  6. global CACHE_DUMPER
  7. if CACHE_DUMPER == None:
  8. CACHE_DUMPER = open(CACHE_FILE, 'wb')
  9. dump(data, CACHE_DUMPER)
  10. def CounterLoad():
  11. global CACHE_LOADER
  12. if CACHE_LOADER == None:
  13. CACHE_LOADER = open(CACHE_FILE, 'rb')
  14. return load(CACHE_LOADER)

序列化的结果存入CACHE_FILE文件。因为打开json文件也可使用"b"模式,所以期望通过导入不同的模块(如from导入语句所示),即可切换CounterDump()和CounterLoad()函数的持久化方式。然而,实测结果表明,使用json方式时,CounterLoad()会触发"ValueError: Extra data: line 1 column 32 - line 1 column 3386 (char 31 - 3385)"的异常。

这是因为json序列化的对象过于复杂,load()方法无法正确处理。对于这种可能包含无关数据(extraneous data)的json文件,可使用json.JSONDecoder.raw_decode()解码。如下所示:

  1. from json import dump, JSONDecoder
  2. #CounterDump()无需修改或将'wb'改为'r'即可
  3. jsonEndPos = 0
  4. def CounterLoad():
  5. global CACHE_LOADER, jsonEndPos
  6. if CACHE_LOADER == None:
  7. CACHE_LOADER = open(CACHE_FILE, 'r')
  8. CACHE_LOADER.seek(jsonEndPos)
  9. jsonData = CACHE_LOADER.read()
  10. pyObj, jsonEndPos = JSONDecoder().raw_decode(jsonData)
  11. return pyObj



  1. def ParseJson(jsonData):
  2. from json import JSONDecoder
  3. endPos = 0
  4. while True:
  5. jsonData = jsonData[endPos:].lstrip()
  6. try:
  7. pyObj, endPos = JSONDecoder().raw_decode(jsonData)
  8. yield pyObj
  9. except ValueError:
  10. break
  11. CACHE_GEN = None
  12. def CounterLoad():
  13. global CACHE_GEN
  14. if CACHE_GEN == None:
  15. CACHE_GEN = ParseJson(open(CACHE_FILE, 'r').read())
  16. try:
  17. return next(CACHE_GEN)
  18. except StopIteration, e:
  19. return []


  1. def shouldUseCache(stay, detail, basename, cache, target):
  2. if not cache: #未指定启用缓存
  3. return False
  4. try:
  5. (_stay, _detail, _basename, _target) = CounterLoad()
  6. except (IOError, EOFError, ValueError): #缓存文件不存在或内容为空或不合法
  7. return False
  8. if stay == _stay and detail == _detail and basename == _basename \
  9. and sorted(target) == sorted(_target):
  10. return True
  11. else:
  12. return False
  13. @FuncTimer(1) #因序列化限制,只能调用一次
  14. def main():
  15. global rawCountInfo, detailCountInfo
  16. (stay, detail, basename, cache, target) = ParseCmdArgs()
  17. cacheUsed = shouldUseCache(stay, detail, basename, cache, target)
  18. if cacheUsed:
  19. try:
  20. (rawCountInfo, detailCountInfo) = CounterLoad()
  21. except (EOFError, ValueError), e: #不太可能出现
  22. print 'Unexpected Cache Corruption(%s), Try Counting Directly.'%e
  23. CLineCounter(stay, not detail, basename, target)
  24. else:
  25. CLineCounter(stay, not detail, basename, target)
  26. ReportCounterInfo(not detail)
  27. if cacheUsed:
  28. return
  29. CounterDump((stay, detail, basename, target))
  30. CounterDump((rawCountInfo, detailCountInfo))
  31. if __name__ == '__main__':
  32. main()


  1. #... ...
  2. parser.add_argument('-c', '--cache', action='store_true',
  3. help='use cache to count faster(unreliable when files are modified)')
  4. #... ...
  5. return (args.stay, args.detail, args.basename, args.cache, args.target)



  1. python -m cProfile -s tottime FBCLineCounter.py source -d -b > out.txt


  1. 2503 1624 543 362 0.25 xtm_mgr.c
  2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. 140872 93736 32106 16938 0.26 <Total:82 Code Files>
  4. __main__.main() => Time Elasped: 4150.499 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
  5. 286091 function calls (286057 primitive calls) in 4.161 seconds
  6. Ordered by: internal time
  7. ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
  8. 140872 3.604 0.000 3.740 0.000 FBCLineCounter.py:12(CalcLines)
  9. 83 0.374 0.005 4.132 0.050 FBCLineCounter.py:41(CountFileLines)
  10. 141596/141588 0.136 0.000 0.136 0.000 {len}
  11. 83 0.014 0.000 0.014 0.000 {open}
  12. 1 0.004 0.004 0.008 0.008 argparse.py:62(<module>)
  13. 1 0.003 0.003 0.004 0.004 collections.py:1(<module>)
  14. 416 0.003 0.000 0.004 0.000 ntpath.py:96(splitdrive)
  15. 84 0.003 0.000 0.003 0.000 {nt._isdir}
  16. 1 0.002 0.002 4.161 4.161 FBCLineCounter.py:5(<module>)



  1. (I00
  2. I01
  3. I01
  4. (lp1
  5. S'source'
  6. p2
  7. atp3
  8. ...


  1. 2503 1624 543 362 0.25 xtm_mgr.c
  2. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  3. 140872 93736 32106 16938 0.26 <Total:82 Code Files>
  4. __main__.main() => Time Elasped: 9.407 msec, repeated 1 time(s).
  5. 3672 function calls (3567 primitive calls) in 0.029 seconds
  6. Ordered by: internal time
  7. ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function)
  8. 1 0.004 0.004 0.029 0.029 FBCLineCounter.py:5(<module>)
  9. 1 0.003 0.003 0.007 0.007 argparse.py:62(<module>)



  1. [false, true, true, ["source"]][[0, 0, 0, 0, 0], [["access_dev_mgr.c", [2840, 1879, 689, 317]], ["app_webpop_mgr.c", [289, 163, 67, 64]], ["bbxrtrace_mgr.c", [472, 316, 142, 23]], ...

