@amanoliver 2022-12-16T00:43:38.000000Z 字数 1028 阅读 133

Aurora Leigh of Elizabeth Barrett Browning

It is important to take into consideration the fact that Victorian women were obligated to play a home role. No matter how fitting the poetry may be, their involvement in the poetry world, a public arena, was a political trespass from the private to the public. . The "woman poet's powerful intervention into the 'public' sphere" (pg. viii), according to Isobel Armstrong and Virginia Blain (1999), occurred during the Victorian era, and the "huge increase in the numbers of womenwriting at this time" (pg. xi) is evidence of the female search for a public space outside of their inherently domestic role. There is a lot of evidence to support the argument that there is a female political discourse. With these critical viewpoints in mind, it is evident that Victorian female poets were actively involved in the politics of the day. Margaret Doody (1999) examines how "women's poetry in the eighteenth century" must be dealt with in "terms of its political statement and its moral and social awareness" (pg. 3), and Paula Alexandra Guimaraes (2006) examines the poetry of the Bront sisters to uncover how "social and political conflict... unequivocally 'inform

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