@amanoliver 2022-12-16T00:38:15.000000Z 字数 954 阅读 199

Female Victorian Poetry

With the exception of Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Christina Rosetti, and the Bront sisters, male poets have continuously represented Victorian poetry, even in contemporary literary critique. But many people thought it was silly of these women's contemporary. Poetry was viewed as a male-dominated field and a great, high art form unsuitable for female involvement. Despite attemptsAt exclusion, women persisted in writing and found support in one another. Women conquered their literary challenges by dedicating poetry to one another and responding to one another's poems, drawing power from the conversation between themselves. The poems Christina Rosetti and Elizabeth Barrett Browning exchanged are the ones that best demonstrate this. In response to Browning's poem "LEL's Last Question," Rossetti composes her own poem "LEL" This dialogue, according to Isobel Armstrong and Virginia Blain (1999), demonstrates a "peculiar feminine subjectivity, sociality, and homosocial bonding" (p. xi), which helped to defend their writing projects against harsh criticism.

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