@Wahson 2016-09-04T14:06:56.000000Z 字数 1032 阅读 1003

Shell Parameter Expansion



command tips
${parameter:-defaultValue} If parameter not set, use defaultValue
u=${1:-root} If variable $1 is not set or passed,use root as default value for u
${USER:=foo} Assign a value foo to the $USER variable if doesn’t already have one
${VAR:?Error varName is not defined or is empty} Display an Error Message If $VAR Not Passed
_cmd="${2:? message $(cp f1 f2)}" If $2 is not set display an error message for $2 parameter and run cp command on fly
${#variableName} find string length of $variableName
${VAR#Pattern} Remove pattern(Front of $VAR)
${_url#*/} Try to remove shortest matching part of $_url
${_url##*/} Try to remove longest matching part of $_url
${VAR%pattern} Remove Pattern (Back of $VAR)
${FILE%.*} Try to remove shortest matching part of $FILE
${FILE%%.*} Try to remove longest matching part of $FILE
${varName/Pattern/Replacement} Find and replace (only replace first occurrence)
${varName//Pattern/Replacement} Find and replace all occurrences
${parameter:offset} Like parameter.substring(offset) in Java
${parameter:offset:length} Like parameter.substring(offset,offset+length) in Java

Display an Error Message and Run Command,?
