字数 9607
阅读 818
- 运营系统优化已上线
- 客户多个抬头,跟进问题,交易数据统计
- 增加客户抬头关联申请,公司列表【抬头关联】
- 增加【抬头关联申请】列表页,增加审批操作
- 调整采购商查询接口,最近成交时间,订单数,最近跟进时间,按照所有抬头汇总计算
- 调整自动掉客户定时器,同样按照所有抬头汇总计算
- 已申请付款的采购单,异常取消时,还原额度
- 订单修改抬头,重新计算新单标识
- 应开票,扣减货损
- 增加交易员客户库容限制,增加公海客户领用限制,已开发完成
- 资金账户管理 陈均活 梁荣生 曹佳林 https://app.yinxiang.com/fx/b9936dfe-0da5-4895-800c-670118421cb8
- 服务端
- 充值接口
- 新建提现申请接口
- 审核提现申请接口
- 提现申请完成接口
- 取消提现申请接口
- 资金账户总额,提现金额,充值金额,冻结金额
- 付款指令重构
- 不变量bank_journal 调整
- 前端
- 流水认领方式:实体单认领,提现认领,充值认领,费用分配
- 资金账户统计页面
- 小程序增加提现申请页面,
- 运营系统增加提现申请列表,审核
- 小程序个人中心,显示资金账户余额、冻结金额
- 付款指令列表增加付款原因显示
- 付款指令申请页面,显示供应商预付款金额
- 部分供应商按暂定价付款,随后修改结算价问题优化
- 资金利息按照实付计算
- 多出金额存入预付账户用以抵扣下次货款
- 数据明细,资金利息计算调整
- 运营系统优化 陈均活 曹佳林
- 创建订单计算预计金融费用 梁华生
- 利润核算模块设计 梁华生
- 产品经理模式
use crm_db;
create table company_account
id bigint not null primary key auto_increment,
company_id bigint not null comment '公司id',
type smallint(2) default 1 not null comment '账户类型,1:资金账户(capital);2:预付账户(prepay)',
-- 可用金额 = 账户余额 - 冻结余额
balance decimal(13, 2) default 0.00 not null comment '账户余额',
frozen_balance decimal(13, 2) default 0.00 not null comment '账户冻结余额',
created_at timestamp default current_timestamp() not null,
created_by int default 0 not null,
updated_at timestamp default current_timestamp() not null,
updated_by int default 0 not null,
remark varchar(255) null comment '备注',
constraint vr_2_company foreign key (company_id) references company (id)
) engine = innoDb charset = utf8mb4 comment '公司账户';
create table account_journal
id bigint auto_increment primary key,
company_account_id bigint not null comment '公司账号id',
company_id int(10) not null comment '公司id',
bank_journal_id bigint default null comment '银行流水id',
account_apply_id bigint default null comment '提现/充值申请id, 业务类型为提现或充值时有值',
src_payment_id bigint default null comment '支付记录id, 业务类型为货款转预付时有值,',
payment_id bigint default null comment '支付记录id, 业务类型为货款时有值,该字段值为对应订单/采购单付款记录的id',
trans_type smallint(2) default 1 not null comment '交易类型,1:收入(income);2:支出(expenditure);3:冻结(freeze);4:解冻(unfreeze);',
business_type smallint(2) default 10 not null comment '业务类型,10:提现(withdrawal);20:充值(recharge);30:货款(payment);40:拍卖(auction);50:货款转预付(payment_to_prepay);90:其他(other)',
amount decimal(13, 2) not null comment '流水金额',
last_balance decimal(13, 2) default 0.00 null comment '上一次金额',
balance decimal(13, 2) not null comment '操作后的人民币余额',
frozen_balance decimal(13, 2) not null comment '操作后的人民币冻结余额',
frozen_related_journal_id int(10) null comment '冻结关联流水, 交易类型是解冻时有值',
created_at timestamp default current_timestamp() not null,
created_by int default 0 not null,
updated_at timestamp default current_timestamp() not null,
updated_by int default 0 not null,
remark varchar(255) null comment '备注'
) engine = innoDb charset = utf8mb4 comment '公司账户变更流水';
-- 流水账户总余额
select sum(amount) from account_journal
where 1 = 1 and trans_type in (1, 2)
-- and created_at > current_date -- 当天账户变更
-- group by company_account_id
-- 流水冻结总额
select sum(amount) from account_journal
where 1 = 1 and trans_type in (3, 4)
-- and created_at > current_date -- 当天账户变更
-- group by company_account_id
-- 资金账户总金额,冻结总金额
select sum(balance), sum(frozen_balance) from company_account;
-- 当日提现、充值总额
select sum(if(business_type = 10, amount, 0)), sum(if(business_type = 20, amount, 0))
from account_journal where created_at > current_date
create table account_application
id bigint auto_increment primary key,
company_account_id bigint not null comment '账户id',
company_id bigint not null comment '公司ID',
company_name varchar(100) not null comment '公司名称',
wx_user_id int default null comment '发起申请的微信用户id',
type smallint(2) default 1 not null comment '申请类型,1:提现(withdraw);2:充值(recharge)',
status smallint(2) default 1 not null comment '状态,10:待审核(to_be_audited);20:已审核(audited);30:已完成(finished);90:已取消(canceled)',
amount decimal(10, 2) not null comment '金额',
bank_journal_id bigint default null comment '银行流水id',
# 冗余字段,来源银行流水表 bank_journal
# platform_account varchar(32) null comment '平台银行账号',
# platform_account_name varchar(64) not null comment '平台银行户名',
# bank_account varchar(32) null comment '收付款银行账号',
# bank_account_name varchar(64) not null comment '收付款银行户名',
audited_at datetime null comment '审核时间',
audited_by int(10) null comment '审核人',
confirmed_at datetime null comment '确认时间',
confirmed_by int(10) null comment '确认人',
created_at timestamp default current_timestamp() not null,
created_by int default 0 not null,
updated_at timestamp default current_timestamp() not null,
updated_by int default 0 not null,
remark varchar(255) null comment '备注',
constraint aa_2_company foreign key (company_id) references company (id)
) engine = innoDb charset = utf8mb4 comment '充值申请';
-- 拍卖
create table auction_target
id bigint auto_increment primary key,
purchase_item_id bigint not null comment '采购子单id',
delivery_type smallint(2) not null comment '送货方式, 10:自提(self_pick);20:供应商配送(supplier_deliver);30:万博配送(wanbo_deliver)',
product_id int not null,
category varchar(12) not null comment '产品分类',
designation varchar(32) not null comment '产品牌号',
manufacturer_id int not null comment '生产商ID',
manufacturer_name varchar(32) not null comment '生产商名称',
supplier_company_id int not null comment '供应商id',
supplier_company_name varchar(32) not null comment '供应商名称',
warehouse_id int not null comment '发货仓库id',
warehouse_name varchar(32) not null comment '发货仓库名称',
status smallint(1) default 1 null comment '状态(1:预提交,2:待审核,3:已审核 4:拍卖中,5:拍卖完成,6:流拍,9:审核不通过,10:取消)',
starting_price decimal(13, 2) default 0.00 not null comment '起拍价',
market_price decimal(13, 2) null comment '市场评估价',
weight decimal(8, 3) default 0.000 not null comment '拍卖总吨数',
starting_weight decimal(8, 3) not null comment '起拍吨数',
price_increment decimal(10, 2) not null comment '加价幅度',
weight_increment decimal(8, 3) not null comment '数量增幅(最小变量单位或每次增加吨数)',
-- auction_type smallint(1) default 1 not null comment '竞拍方式,1:升价(priceRise);2:降价(priceCut )',
deposit_ratio decimal(3, 3) not null comment '保证金比例',
-- basic_deposit decimal(10, 2) null comment '保证金基础值',
auction_start_at datetime not null comment '开始拍卖时间',
expected_auction_end_at datetime not null comment '预定结束拍卖时间',
actual_auction_end_at datetime null comment '实际拍卖结束时间',
-- 期货交货时间?
-- trade_addr varchar(50) null comment '交易地点',
-- weight_left decimal(13, 3) null comment '剩余吨数',
is_future smallint(1) default 0 not null comment '是否期货 0为false, 1为true',
execute_start_at date null comment '送货/交付日期开始',
execute_end_at date null comment '送货/交付日期结束',
audited_at datetime null comment '审核时间',
audited_by int(10) null comment '审核人',
created_at timestamp default current_timestamp() not null,
created_by int default 0 not null,
updated_at timestamp default current_timestamp() not null,
updated_by int default 0 not null,
remark varchar(255) null comment '备注'
) engine = innoDb charset = utf8mb4 comment '拍卖标的';
create table auction_bid_record
id int(10) auto_increment
primary key,
wx_user_id int(10) not null comment '用户id',
company_id int(10) not null,
auction_target_id int(10) not null comment '竞拍标的ID',
price_before_bid decimal(10, 2) default 0.00 not null comment '拍前价格',
bid_price decimal(10, 2) not null comment '出价',
weight decimal(8, 3) not null comment '拍卖吨数',
actual_weight decimal(8, 3) default 0.000 not null comment '实际中标吨数(为0则为出局)',
-- account_journal_id int(10) not null comment '账户资金变动流水ID',
-- margin decimal(10, 2) default 0.00 not null comment '冻结保证金',
auction_at datetime not null comment '出价时间',
created_at timestamp default current_timestamp() not null,
created_by int default 0 not null,
updated_at timestamp default current_timestamp() not null,
updated_by int default 0 not null,
remark varchar(255) null comment '备注',
constraint bid_records_fk_target_id
foreign key (auction_target_id) references auction_target (id)
) engine = innoDb charset = utf8mb4 comment '出价记录';
-- auto-generated definition
create table auction_target_summary
id bigint auto_increment primary key,
target_id int(10) default 0 not null comment '竞拍标的ID',
won_user_count int(10) default 0 not null comment '中标人数',
bid_user_count int(10) default 0 not null comment '投注人数',
bid_count int(10) default 0 not null comment '投注次数',
weight decimal(8, 3) default 0.000 not null comment '成交吨数',
amount decimal(13, 2) default 0.00 not null comment '成交金额',
max_price decimal(10, 2) default 0.00 not null comment '最高价',
min_price decimal(10, 2) default 0.00 not null comment '最低价',
constraint target_summary_fk_target_id
foreign key (target_id) references auction_target (id)
) engine = innoDb charset = utf8mb4 comment '竞拍商品摘要';
-- auto-generated definition
create table auction_won_record
id int(10) auto_increment
primary key,
company_id bigint not null comment '公司id',
auction_bid_record_id bigint not null comment '出价记录',
auction_target_id bigint not null comment '标的id',
price decimal(10, 2) not null comment '中标价',
weight decimal(8, 3) not null comment '中标数量',
total_amount decimal(10, 2) not null comment '中标金额',
-- order_no varchar(32) not null comment '关联销售订单号',
-- status smallint(1) not null comment '状态(1:待确认,2:成功,3:违约,4:违约已处理)',
created_at datetime not null,
created_by int(10) null comment '创建人,只能是StaffID',
updated_at timestamp default CURRENT_TIMESTAMP not null on update CURRENT_TIMESTAMP,
updated_by int(10) null comment '更新人,只能是StaffID',
constraint wined_record_fk_bid_record_id
foreign key (auction_bid_record_id) references auction_bid_record (id),
constraint wined_record_fk_target_id
foreign key (auction_target_id) references auction_target (id)
) engine = innoDb charset = utf8mb4 comment '中标记录';
use payment_db;
create table payment_application
id bigint auto_increment
primary key,
status smallint(2) not null comment '指令状态,10:待确认(to_be_confirmed);20:已确认(confirmed);30:已制单(voucher_made);40:支付中(paying);50:已支付(paid);60:已撤销(revoked)',
reason smallint(2) not null comment '付款原因,10:货款(to_be_confirmed);20:仓租(confirmed);30:账户提现(voucher_made);90:其他(other)',
purchase_id bigint default null comment '采购单id',
company_id int default null comment '公司id',
company_name varchar(64) default null comment '公司名称',
bank_name varchar(64) default '' not null comment '收款银行',
bank_no varchar(32) not null comment '收款银行账号',
platform_bank_name varchar(64) null comment '平台付款银行',
platform_bank_no varchar(64) null comment '平台付款帐号',
amount decimal(13, 2) default 0.00 not null comment '付款金额',
file_name varchar(128) null comment '支付完成后上传水单至阿里云OSS',
confirmed_at timestamp default null comment '确认时间',
confirmed_by int default null comment '确认人',
created_at timestamp default current_timestamp() not null,
created_by int default 0 not null,
updated_at timestamp default current_timestamp() not null,
updated_by int default 0 not null,
is_sent_attachment smallint(2) default 0 not null comment '是否已发送水单',
remark varchar(255) null comment '备注',
rmk varchar(255) null comment '系统备注',
key idx_created_at(created_at),
key idx_purchase_id(purchase_id),
key idx_company_id(company_id)
) engine = innoDb comment '付款申请' charset = utf8mb4;